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Research On Pavement Forms Of Parks Based On Planar Tessellation

Posted on:2013-01-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y ZhengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2212330362959694Subject:Garden Plants and Ornamental Horticulture
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The pavement has the most direct contaction with people, and it's the most frequently used interface element in the park. A series of functions such as directive function and artistic function are realized by pavement forms. Most of the pavement forms are based on some tessellations. This research takes the pavements forms of parks as objects, using the method of literature research and investigation, introduces the concept of tessellation into pavement design, and analysises the pavement forms of parks in the view of tessellation in mathmatics, aiming at providing theoretical support to pavement form designs, as well as enhancing the technological rationality and the appearance of pavement.The main contents of research:Firstly, this research introduces the releated theory of tessellation, starting with the conditions that the pavements should follow in landscape design, proposes the proper tessellations which can be used in pavement in landscape design. Secondly, according to the space characteristics of parks and requiements of pavment design, the research proposes the proper tessellations to fit different space characteristics of parks. And then, the research investigates and analysises the pavement forms of comprehensive paks in Shanghai, analysising the pavement forms of different spaces, and summarize the tessellations of different spaces.The main conclusions and innovations of research:1) The research proposes the proper tessellations that can be used in pavement in landscape design. The research introduces the concept of tessellation into pavement design for the first time, and proposed the conditions of technological rationality and the appearance that should be followed when the tessellation is used in pavement designs. Following the principle of feasibility, the tessellation in pavement designs can be classified into regular-periodic tiling, regular-aperiodic tiling, irregular-periodic tiling, irregular-aperiodic tiling and quasi-periodic tiling, and some detailed tessellations are proposed.2) The research proposes the proper tessellations to fit different space characteristics of parks. According to the factors of activites of people on pavemets, the functions of field the location, the spaces of parks can be divided into entrance space, road space, quiet-resting space, gathering space and children's space. On the basis of tessellations used in landscape pavements, the research proposed the proper tessellations that can fit the characteristics of these spaces.3)The research investigates and summerizes the tessellation types of pavements in comprehensive parks of Shanghai, and expounds its shortages and gives explainations. The research investigates 8 parks in Shanghai, and investigates pavement forms of different spaces. According to the investigation, the common tessellation types as well as the particular tessellation types of different spaces are summerized,.Then the investigation is compared to the previous theory, and the proper tessellations of pavements in different spaces are checked.Because of the limited time and energy, and the research touches upon courses of different fields, the usage of tessellation in pavement remains to be further researched. The research proposes the feasibility that the tessellation should follow when it is used in pavement design, but it's mainly raised in the view of experience and construction, some further and more detailed research is needed; The research proposes feasible tessellations to fit different spaces on parks, but the theory is still on initial stage,the theory should be reseached further, more all-sided, and more intensively.
Keywords/Search Tags:Park, Tessellation, Pavement form, Landscape architecture
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