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The Researches Of JianAn Tribute Tea In Northern Song Dynasty

Posted on:2012-08-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2211330338970872Subject:History specifically history
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Originating from the ancient legend,inheriting from the Tang Dynasty,tea had been becoming the peak and got full development in Northern Song Dynasty.Northern Song Dynasty terminated the chaos of FangZheng system to make social life into normal federal system in the later Tang Dynasty and Five Dynasty and Ten countries,the polity was becoming stable,economy was becoming flurish,the culture was gradually becoming development.In flourishing era of Northern Song Dynasty,tea culture plays an important role in Northern Song Dynasty,especially,Tribute Tea had got enormous achievement,JianAn Tribute Tea was not only quantity and quality but also scale and influence which got the summit of Tea industry,it was very typical and symbolic.JianAn Tea had been produced mountain of FengHuang and Long mountain from the band of JianXi,associated with HuoYuan,ShaXi,WiYi mountain and so forth,therefore,what we called is JianXIYa or JianXIChun.JianAn Tribute Tea was located in fantastical place and climate,LuYu had given high applausing about JianAn Tea in Tang Dynasty "the state of Si,Bo,Fei·····Fu,Jian,Shao,Xiang were unknown,if people got them, the flavor was extremely excellent", only because there was still enclosed, few people knew it.The torrefying system and appreciation of JianAn Tribute Tea. in torrefying aspect, Bei had constituted two types:official Bei and private Bei JianAn Tribute Tea was based on the support of government that had a monopolizing complex,especially in scale,quality,quantity.Finally,it was the topest position in china history of Tribute Tea.Moreove,Song Dynasty was a pinnacled period in tea-tasting,therefore, the rusult of this situation was much category development and innovation than beforeThe evolvement of JianAn Tribute tea.The quantity of JianAn Tribute Tea was involved in the destiny of Northern Song Dynasty, the early Northern Song Dynasty started to make LongFeng Tribute Tea,then the quantity was increasing dramatically,the varieties was also updating enormously,it was not great changable until the emperor Song HuiZong,then it begun to become gradually little, After the coup of Jingkang,Southern Song Dynasty was content to retain sovereignty over a part of the country and stop trying to recover the country.,the scale and quantity of making tribute tea was decreasing.Tribute Tea was changing from entity into monetary,especially,in Southern Song Dynasty,becoming a part of tax bit by bit.Because of the violation of YeNong,the regulation and system of Tribute Tea in JianAn had almost been collapsed,in Ming Dynasty,the emperor Zhu YuanZhang abolished it JianAn Tribute Tea was the pioneer position in Northern Song Dynasty,Tribute Tea from Bei Yuan was the toppest place in JianAn Tribute Tea,There was a famous proverb from Su Shi "Never knew the fantasitcal tea,except for Bei Yuan"(Bei Yuan was a official,which was charge of the production of Tribute Tea in JianAn),ultimately,Bei Yuan could not get rid of the destiny of history,for the qualities and characteristics,it had ranged from small LongTuan to YingXian,which the procedure tended to elaboration.Tribute Tea was consided as tipical tributary that play a extremely vital vitality in federal system,along with all kinds of relationship,in fact,it was a act of bare plundering,meanwhile,it was also a manifestation of the power of emperor in daily life.On the one hand,JianAn Tribute Tea had got great achievement,on the other hand,to satisfy the need of absolute Monarchie,local officials spend amounts of cost in manpower, material and funds and so on,obviously,which burden to normal mass, as a result,lots of local officials was promoted quickly,which directly caused the eruption.In culture,many intelligence had a deeply affection with JianAn Tribute Tea,for instance,Cai Xiang,Su Shi,Ou YangXiu,even Song HuIZong had written a famous book about tea,poetries and essays which constituted the typical tribute tea culture of region.
Keywords/Search Tags:Northern Song Dynasty, JianAn, Tribute Tea
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