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The Research On The Food Culture Of Dongjing In The Northern Song Dynasty

Posted on:2020-03-28Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:L W SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:1361330575963807Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The food culture of Dongjing in the Northern Song Dynasty was a hot issue in the study of the food culture of ancient Chinese capitals.The ancient Chinese capital city food culture is closely related to its social and economic development of the capital city.Before the Northern Song Dynasty,China's political and economic center had been in the Heluo area.The food culture of Luoyang and Chang'an represented the highest peak of the northern area food culture.However,in the Northern Song Dynasty,Dongjing has gradually emerged with its unique geographical advantages,continued with development momentum since the end of the Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties.Its food culture has continued the glory of the predecessor's metropolitan the same time,the innovation and development has far-reaching influence on the food culture of later generations.The catering industry in Dongjing during the Northern Song Dynasty presented us with a picture nexus of the Southern Food and the the Northern Food.Dongjing climate,water system,population and commercial space are excellent footnotes in such an era of regional and regional features.The changes in the climate and environment have affected all aspects of the diet.The meandering water system in Dongjing has made the diet sweet and elegant,and the crowed population has provided market demand for dietary diversity,while the variety of catering consumption places spread the reputation of Dongjing's dietary flavor in the Northern Song Dynasty.The natural environment is the soil for the survival of the food culture and one of the focus issue in academic research.The staple food of Dongjing residents in the Northern Song Dynasty is mainly wheat noodles,rice and corn.Starting from the middle and late period of Tang Dynasty,wheat gradually became the main food crop in North China.During the Northern Song Dynasty,wheat was mainly planted in the Yellow River Basin.The growth and distribution space,as well as the corresponding planting techniques,processingtechniques,and the development of commerce and transportation,laid the foundation for the prosperity of the staple food of the North Song Dynasty in Dongjing.There are variety wheat foods in the Northern Song Dynasty,such as steamed buns,buns,husks and soup cakes.Regarding the grows of rice,it is mainly distributed in south of China.During the Northern Song Dynasty,the Jiangnan area became main rice production base in China.With the prosperity of river transport,the southern rice is continuously imported into the Dongjing,Northern Song Dynasty.The rice varieties in the Dongjing market of Northern Song Dynasty are mainly glutinous rice,glutinous rice,and glutinous rice.As a raw material for staple food,rice is mainly made into rice,cake,porridge,and alfalfa.The millet originated in the northern region and has a long history.During the Northern Song Dynasty,due to the development of high-yield crops such as wheat and rice,the status of millet,which had a slight increase in yield,declined further,but millet continued to occupy a certain position in staple crops due to its drought-tolerant and stable yield characteristics.The main methods of eating corn include risotto and porridge.The resident's daily diet of the Dongjing in Northern Song Dynasty,include meat,vegetables,soy products,fruits,dairy products,condiments,and a variety of delicacies made from the above-mentioned ingredients.Vegetables rank second only to cereals in dietary ingredients.Since the Northern Song Dynasty,vegetable cultivation has gradually embarked on the road of commodification.Due to the development of vegetable cultivation and the improvement of cooking technology,compared with the previous generations,the vegetarianism of all walks of life in the Northern Song Dynasty was more prevalent.A major feature of the Northern Song Dynasty Dongjing cuisine was the variety of vegetarian food.Meat dishes play an important role in the raw materials of Dongjing residents.Dongjing residents mainly take livestock and poultry meat,but aquatic products and game also account for a considerable proportion.Fruits,cooking oils and condiments are also typical representatives non-staple food.In the Northern Song Dynasty,the north and south part of Dongjing,the variety of fruits on the Dongjingmarket is not only limited to fruits from the north,but also subtropical fruits such as citrus from the Yangtze River basin and tropical fruits from the Lingnan region,and temperate fruit widely distributed throughout the country.The edible oil used in the diet of the Dongjing residents in the Northern Song Dynasty was divided into animal oil and vegetable oil.The vegetable oil was the main edible oil at that time,and the sesame oil was the most used.The condiments used by Dongjing residents are considered as quite rich.The main condiments are salt,sauce,vinegar and sugar.Drinks play an important role in the dietary life of Dongjing residents.Drinks commonly accepted by Dongjing residents include tea,wine,soup and cheese.At that time,these daily drinks had a lot of connections with many aspects of urban life.There were special service industries such as restaurants and tea pots.There were also many social trends and concepts related to tea,wine and soup.Drinks reflect both the daily life of Dongjing residents and the social scene of the Northern Song Dynasty.It was the reaction of economic development during the Northern Song Dynasty,and it also gave birth to the many ecological cultures and the diversity of life.The food utensils of Dongjing in the Northern Song Dynasty are an important part of Dongjing's food culture research.On the basis of inheriting the previous generation of eating utensils,the food utensils of the residents of the Central Plains in the Northern Song Dynasty had a lot of innovations and improvements,which laid the foundation for the development of later dietary utensils.During the Northern Song Dynasty,the feasting activities of various classes in Tokyo gradually formed their own distinctive features in the unique historical background.The names were numerous,the ritual system was complete,the scene was grand,and the overall style gradually became restrained and elegant.During the Northern Song Dynasty,the festivals and dietary customs of Dongjing residents were inherited from the previous generation,and there were many changes,which laid the foundation for the dietary customs of the residents of the Central Plains.The social background of the Dongjing food culture in the Northern Song Dynastyis the highly developed farming civilization of the Central Plains.In the process of dealing with the surrounding ethnic groups,it absorbs the characteristics of the food culture of the surrounding people.At the same time,the citizens' dietary life began to appear significant commercial characteristics.The spread of tea houses,restaurants and catering shops in capital city concentrated on reflecting the unprecedented prosperity of catering industry in the ancient capital of China.What is worth to mention,the food culture of Dongjing in the Northern Song Dynasty has a phased character.The characteristics of the food culture in the early,middle and late period of the Northern Song Dynasty varied greatly.It is of significant academic value to use the diet as a carrier to examine the process of social and economic changes in this period.
Keywords/Search Tags:Northern Song Dynasty, Dongjing, Food, Food Culture
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