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Rtos-based Dsp Hardware Design Of Real-time Development Platform

Posted on:2008-09-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H P YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2208360215450249Subject:Computer system architecture
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Because the lack of usable optimized C compiler and embedded RTOS, the software developing and debugging of the DSP-based embedded hard-real-time systems now still adopts the development mode of using assembly language on naked machine. The real problem of this mode is that it has very low development efficiency, which means it won't meet the developing requirements of more complicated, more intelligent systems.In respect to the lack of usable optimized C compiler, this dissertation first analyzed the bottleneck of the compiling efficiency of BF53x C compiler: not supporting hardware loop. Then, improved the support for hardware loop in Gcc, and completely implemented the support for BF53x's two nested hardware loops in Gcc for BF53x.In respect to the lack of usable embedded RTOS, this dissertation first brought forward the Dual Tasks Model based on static priority scheduling policy, and implemented a deeply embedded RTOS on BF53x by using this model. This embedded RTOS only has simple task management and scheduling function and has very low extra overhead(us level), so it's very appropriate for the embedded hard-real-time systems which have rigorous real time requirements. To overcome the limit of deeply embedded RTOS, like scalability, this dissertation then brought forward a new thought: implementing the embedded hard-real-time Linux based on the Limited Sharing Resources Model, and implemented a high-end embedded RTOS. This embedded RTOS is a standard GNU/Linux developing environment, so it has good portability and scalability and can effectively improve the development efficiency of applications. At the same time, it has hundred-micro-seconds level extra overhead, which is acceptable by most embedded hard-real-time systems.At last, this dissertation constructed fully new concept systems of target identifying and tracking based on these two embedded RTOS, solved the key problems related with implementations. These work effectively improved the development efficiency while assuring the execution efficiency, which met the expected targets.
Keywords/Search Tags:embedded, real time operating system, hard real time, Linux, system of target identifying and tracking
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