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Embedded Real-time Operating System Migration Technology Research And Applications

Posted on:2008-11-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X X ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2208360212999768Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Along with the quick development in every fields of embeded system,the porting technology of embeded operating system has become an important problem of embeded development. The porting of embeded operating system has near contaction with the architecture of embeded processor and embeded operating system, so along with increasing of the kinds of embeded operating system and the change of embeded processor's architecture, The porting of embeded operating system has become more and more complex. In the condition, it is necessary to devise a kind of universal porting technology of embeded operating system to instruct and facilitate the work of porting.Firstly, The thesis deeply investigate the theory and technology of porting embeded operating system to different hardware flats; secondly summarize the traits of porting technology of different embeded operating system; finally, I devise a kind of universal porting technology of embeded operating system. The universal porting technology contains all technique in porting embeded operating system and detailedly instruct the whole process from building cross development tools to testing the embeded operating system after success of porting in the whole porting process. The universal porting technology contains six parts relating with the porting of embeded operating system, as following:â– Analysing hardware flats of embeded systemâ– Building cross developing toolsâ– Porting BootLoaderâ– The technology of porting kernal of embeded operating systemâ– The technology of debugging kernal of embeded operating systemâ– The technology of testing embeded operating system after portingAt last, using the universal porting technology of embeded operating system to succeed in porting CRTOS kernal to HHARM2410 flat, and test the function,real-time performance,memory performance of the CRTOS kernal after porting.
Keywords/Search Tags:embedded operating system (EOS), board support package (BSP), hardware relation layer (HAL), CRTOS, BootLoader
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