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Grid-based Distributed Simulation Study

Posted on:2004-11-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2208360152457076Subject:Control theory and control engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Grid, regarded as a new information infrastructure, is intent to achieve coordinated resource sharing among distributed, dynamic and heterogeneous environment. The research of distributed simulation based on Grid focuses on design of system framework and discussion of a new simulation mode. Aimed at the puzzles in current distributed simulation, and with the combination of a new Grid architecture, a framework of distributed simulation system based on Grid has been presented. Its prototype system has been developed as well.First, we penetrated into the Open Grid Service Architecture (OGSA). OGSA concentrates on services, and abstracts all resources as standard Grid services. Thus, it provides effective organization and management of those resources. Current distributed simulation system emphasizes on the application development, and is lack of resources management. The service-oriented view and service interoperation mechanism in OGSA can support distributed simulation in resource management, therefore the research of distributed simulation based on OGSA will be helpful for the improvement of current systems' performance.Second, a system framework of distributed simulation based on OGSA has been designed. It is based on the separation of simulation resources and simulation applications, and adopts a layered structure based on a similar client/server mode. The server is realized as a simulation services container, containing all distributed simulation services in logical. The client includes simulation application members, who execute their tasks by using related services. With resource encapsulated into standard service, the framework facilitates the resource management, and promotes its reusability and portability. Under this new mode, the system achieves well heterogeneity and supports across-platform application development.In the end, a prototype system has been developed to test this framework. In the context of a simple combat simulation, the server side and the client side have been realized. The prototype system shows the characteristics of both the Grid and distributed simulation, and can test the validity of this new simulation pattern.
Keywords/Search Tags:Grid, OGSA, Grid Service, Distributed Simulation, HLA, Prototype System
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