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The Zxss10 A200-memory Database Fast Indexing Algorithm To Achieve

Posted on:2005-11-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J G XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2208360125454205Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Many fast index algorithms are realized in this paper in order to promote the efficiency of access to database, meeting the requirement of real-time operation. The main difficulty is that the increase of HASH index conflict areas can affect the efficiency of access. Another difficulty is how to find the data needed quickly when index key is not complete.The fast index algorithm of ZXSS10 A200 main memory database discussed in this paper is applied in the ZXSS10 A200 main memory database system. Developed by ANSI C, it is easy to be expanded, reused and maintained. At present, the index algorithm realized in this paper can meet the requirements of data table indexing of ZXSS10 A200 . It can also meet the performance demand of main memory database and embody the speediness and efficiency of main memory database. With the appearance of more effective index algorithm, the performance of main memory database system will be greatly improved.
Keywords/Search Tags:Softswitch, gateway, MMDB, index, T Tree, HASH
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