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Design And Implementation Of Consulting Software Software

Posted on:2015-09-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q LuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2208330473452933Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the continuous development of technological level, information system has become the indispensable tool of business operation. The management of the business model must adapt to the rapid development of society especially for the consulting business, also need to have their particular management style and organizational structure. While the economy develop rapidly, resource management consulting firms are also increasing large, which requires companies to use modern information technology management. So companies have to adapt their business financial management system to improve the core competitiveness of enterprises force.The goal of the system designing is to make the company’s financial management system to meet the operational needs of various aspects of consulting enterprises to the nature of work characteristics consulting enterprises starting to simulate their financial management processes. It is surly designed to provide a set of staff for software consulting firm to complete the design?and?implementation?of?the?system?software. Through the consulting firm’s research, the article analyzes the background and development of the system of meaning, compares the current development of domestic and foreign financial management systems and financial management consulting firm, to propose the system proposed in B?/?S mode. This mode can solve diversify its high level demand of sharing requires advanced features for their large amount of business, provides automatic reminders and generate evidence of?function, greatly improving the efficiency of the finance staff.The Financial management system of consulting firm uses B?/?S architecture to develop. With the use of the MVC framework model, the main function of the core module into financial settings, data management, certificate management, final processing, financial?reporting?as?well?as?some?related?queries.In the background of the consulting firm, the article completes to analyze the system requirements. In?the?further, it establishes a system development goal, and corporate finance work in the financial management system divided into five functional modules according?to?the?daily?process?consulting.At the same time, the article has combined the characteristics of financial management consulting firm, selected the appropriate software and database development, and the entire financial management system architecture design. Every module gives out a conceptual model and the design of the database. Finally, from the class and explain the flowchart and elaborate on the source code, the article achieve the overall function of each module.
Keywords/Search Tags:Consulting firms, financial management systems, accounting, financial documents, financial statements
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