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Shopping Store System Design And Realization

Posted on:2011-12-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z M HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2208330332977032Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Follow the technology of the computer in the enterprise and deep application day by day of all trades and professions, the concept internet has been deeply taken up people's heart。Today , the internet takes an very important part in the development tactics of all trades and professions, became a part of an company which can not be partition off。The merchandise has not only limited in TV set and newspaper。The internet has became another stage which company can display themselves。Company set up web site, and make propaganda and service of all aspects of company, display on the internet。Though internet we can achieve buying products on the internet, searching message and so on。Those have changed old way of management and idea of management, meanwhile those also bring more yield for company。So, for the business company, have a web site which is belong to themselves is very important。This thesis describes a shopping type sites systems building programs。The system's main purpose is to demonstrate enterprise products, corporate image, create a network of their own stores, direct sales of products to end customers, build business revenue diversification, can provide users with product display and description, online payment, online consultation, search, reviews, order tracking, personal management。The system is a database with PHP technology and network theory, based on B / S mode of development。The whole system is divided into product management, article management, comment management, advertising management, payment management, distribution management, order management, membership management, sales statistics and other modules。Among them, the commodity management to achieve the product image display, description, and products to increase, modify, delete; article management to achieve product review and shopping guide article management; comment management interaction with customers, customer information, feedback, evaluation of the response message; Synchronization, the client visit the website products, registered members, and select the payment method to buy goods; and service-side display of products, orders, delivery of goods。Based on B / S mode, PHP + MySQL Impersonation by the store to sell their products online。...
Keywords/Search Tags:online shopping system, PHP, MySQL, B/S
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