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Design And Implementation Of The Go Shopping Electronic Mall

Posted on:2016-10-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2348330482967424Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, the Internet has increasingly become the best channel for collecting and providing information with its rapid rise, and it has accessed into traditional circulation area. Whereupon the e-commerce began to be popular, a kind of new shopping concept began to take shape and gradually developed. Online shopping is a kind of commercial information system which has interactive features in order to let businesses and consumers easily transfer information to complete e-commerce or EDI transactions. This way of shopping is understood and affirmed by more and more users, the number of consumers and the turnover is growing every year.In this paper, the development of online shopping at home and abroad and the present situation of online shopping system exploitation were analyzed, the Go shopping electronic mall system was designed and implemented by JSP technology, which was expected to achieve a concise and beautiful page, low cost, perfect function and good practicality system.This paper describes how to use JSP and MySQL to build an online shopping system. The paper has six chapters, including introduction, requirements analysis, overall design, database design, detailed design and implementation, system test and evaluation. The Go shopping electronic mall system has two parts, which are goods display and sale by the frontstage and management by the backstage. The goods display and sale are major including member management, goods query, order inquiries, sales ranking, bargain goods, new product shelves, mall bbs. shopping cart and cashier desk. The backstage management part is including administrator login, exit, and goods, member, order and bbs effective management. Finally, the Go shopping electronic mall system is passed by software testing, it is security and stability to be run to meet the needs of each function and achieve the desired results.
Keywords/Search Tags:Online Shopping System, JSP technology, MySQL database
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