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Abc Computer Assisted Audit System Design And Implementation

Posted on:2011-07-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q C HongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2208330332477137Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The twenty-first century information age, with the degree of in-depth information to promote the bank's information technology has also become increasingly important. The advanced computer technology to assist enterprises and units in the financial system of Shen Ji, is the international application of the developed countries, very common means, such as U.S. GAAP Zong Yijingkaifa the electronic data processing audit system, the Australian National Audit Office audit of the development of a standard computer-aided system, plus a large audit of the Office of Chapter audit procedures developed by the system, the United Kingdom National Audit Office audit of the development of computer-aided system, the Netherlands Court of Audit of the project development plan and budget system. In this thesis, the Agricultural Bank of computer-assisted audit system of Quanzhou.Agricultural Bank of computer-assisted audit system is to meet agricultural information to the requirements of banks Di Er Sheji's, Neibu auditing is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity, aims to increase Jia Zhi Ji Gou and improve the operational efficiency of organizations. It takes a systematic, standardized approach to risk management, control and governance processes to evaluate and thus improve efficiency and help organizations achieve their goals.ABC audit system, including computer-aided design of the following modules: architecture design, interface design, relevant business processes, database design, module and function design. Among them, the database design is the key and basic, but in order to achieve the integrity of the system function, there must be with the other modules. The system can be the business of the Agricultural Bank data and certain management information systems analysis, business information can be found in a short time the problems or clues for on-site audit service. At the same time to expand audit coverage, to overcome the problems found in the random hand, so that the audit findings will help decision-analysis decision-making more and more convincing.Through this system, users can achieve reconciliation table for the Open and Save functions operate on the sum of the selected columns to verify whether the data table field values recorded continuously and filter and sort the accounts of each classification group table summary, add the required fields, add comments on the need to change the alias information, the system automatically calculated using the balance, and work diary automatically generate and export Excel files.System technology has the following characteristics: a very good cross-platform; system structure clear, good scalability; code easier to test; relatively loose coupling between modules can be flexibly increase or decrease.
Keywords/Search Tags:System design, System implementation, The bank audit system
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