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Taipan Development Of The Concept Of Death In Children And Influencing Factors

Posted on:2011-08-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J J LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2207360305995945Subject:Pre-primary Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The life looks like a journey, The beginning is the birth, the end point is the death, the distance between birth and death what is called the life. The death is a constitutive character factor of life. Is the life final home to return to, is humanity's one kind of emotion knowledge, is question which is unable to avoid.As we all think, the kids are too young to can not care about death.In fact it is notAt today,the developed press and the rapid spread information,maybe children is not a nonconductor of life.They can get some knowledge from conciouseness or unconciouseness.Children has a little known about the death from the research.So, in order to support some strategies and advices for later education about death to chilren,we try to find all aspects about death to the impact of chilfren,as in this research based on the development of the death of concept in children.There are two parts in it:First,as questionnaire method,test the children in kindergarten for the five concepts in death: universay,irreversibility,nonfunctionality,causality and judgement.To know the development of death in those child.As a result, those children has death ideas,some of them has the complete sense about death. But the five concepts have developed in different levels in those children, little chilren afraid of death and want to escape it!Second,during the questionnaire method,we get the sex,the touch experience of death,talk about death in public,the press,the religion and the death attitude for parents and so on in those children.Analyzed each aspect for children's death concepts.It shows that,the sex,the press and the religion have no special influence in death concepts for children. The touch experience of death,talk about death in public,the death attitude for parents haveimpact on irreversibility,nonfunctionality,causality.
Keywords/Search Tags:children in Kindergarten, death concepts, influencing factors
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