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Improve The Student Career Guidance Countermeasures

Posted on:2008-03-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C H SongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2207360215986386Subject:Higher Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the higher education of our China stepped into the popular stage, theemployment situation of the graduates has changed a lot, with many new featurescoming out. The employment of these graduates concerns with the stability of ourcountry and society, and with the vital interest of the people; influences people's correctevaluation on the value of higher education, and adequate actualization of the graduates'values of life and society; and concerns with the survival and development of highercolleges. Therefore, these colleges should take measures to solve the employmentproblems of graduates by all means.This paper consists of five parts. The first part, Introduction. It mainly introducesthe background, aims, approaches and contents of this research. Insight Analysis ofCurrent College Students' Career Guidance is the second part. Logically based on thecurrent situation of college student employment and college career guidance, this partstrives to find out the objective basis for better college student career guidance. Thethird part is the Rational Thinking about College Student Career Guidance. It analyzesthe basic functions, features, factors and interrelationship of the college studentemployment guidance, introduces some main western career guidance theories, andillustrates the new concept of career guidance, which is the human-based whole-processcareer guidance. The fourth part is the Design to Construct College Student CareerGuidance System. It points out that the career guidance is not only the work forStudents' Affairs Department and for Career Guidance Center to help students hunt a job,but also the education and service activity for schools to guide students'accomplishment. To achieve this point, it needs to break through the traditional singlecareer guidance pattern to construct a new system composed of guidance's of job-selecting, career work,engaging work and pioneering work. Cartier Construction ofCollege Student Career Guidance is the fifth. In this part, it notes that the work forcareer guidance must be focused on relevant carrier constructions and puts forward some countermeasures on building career guidance bodies, the contingent of careersguidance, employment information net and curricular system for job-hunting guidance.
Keywords/Search Tags:college student, career guidance, countermeasure
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