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The Ethic Of Care Perspective, Teachers' Professional Development

Posted on:2008-04-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F M ChengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2207360215453944Subject:Curriculum and pedagogy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Caring teachers are needed in the education. Loving students and teaching them to love people are an eternal content in the teacher's dictionary.However,it has become incomplete because of the utilitarianism in the social transformation. As a result of incomplete teachers education, teachers are often lacking of caring quality. Teachers caring quality is such a quality that the teacherswith caring quality can find students'emotion changes, know students'needs, be good at communicate with students; that the teachers have knowledge and belief on caring and that they can actively care for students'growth in a properway. Teachers'caring quality contains responsibility, expectation, understanding and respect for students.Care theory was more and concerned about when "learning to care" was rising in 1990s as an international educational thought. It is a new research view to the teacher's professional development: indicating teacher's irrational educational spirit to challenge the traditional rational spirit; structuring new connotation of school's education and teachers development form the starting point of learning care; and it is the responsibility and force to promote the teachers professional development for the care pratice.Care theory emphasizes the respect for students' lives, students' personal experience, teacher's exemplary role and feasibility of education, and advocates four methods: personal exemple, dialogue, practice and affirmation.Because care ethics are associated to teachers professional development, so , First, the introduction of care ethics and it is the basic of caring education; Second, the dissertion attempts to research teacher's professional development from the care educational theory perspective; At last, teachers advance themselves' professional development in the caring practices. This inimitable request has provided us a new perspective for our teachers professional development.
Keywords/Search Tags:care ethics, care quality, teachers professional development, Noddings
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