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On The Relationship Between Sports And Politics

Posted on:2007-08-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2207360185963528Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Sports is a special cultural phenomenon of human society. However, it is not merely some pure acts, but an integrated behavior which includes a broad content of factors, such as economy, culture, politics an so on, and because of which, sports is destined to forge with politics from the moment it emerged. There have always been complicated and interactive relations between them. As specific behaviors of human beings, sports can be a microcosm of our society, which reflects all aspects of the society, and inevitably has a close link with the social superstructure of this era. Sports, as an integral part of the education of society and culture, does not exist in isolation, but always has close ties with politics and economy under certain social conditions. Therefore, we can follow the tendency of the society and politics property to determine the political background directly through behavioral research to sports.This paper first investigates the contents of relations on sports and politics and its process of evolution from the viewpoints of philosophy and history, analyzes the values of sports and politics embodied in human society, explains their causal relationship, and further elaborates and clarifies the dialectical relationship between them in the evolution of history. Based upon which, this paper further discusses the modern value and symbolic and political value of sports and politics. Sports' role of serving on our politics receives a special focus.As the world political, economic and cultural ties are becoming closer and closer together with globalization, the author holds the opinion that new situation of the relationship between sports and politics has emerged with the globalization and strengthened international political, economic and cultural links. This paper also points out the impacts of the arrival of the era of globalization on relationship of sports and politics, admits that to strengthen their relationship is the mainstream of the world and demonstrates some specific performances of sports serving on politics from both the international and world perspectives. The increase competition of diversification and complexity of international politics and economy is the main cause of pluralism of relationship on sports and politics and multi-cultural integration and competition.The fact that 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing soon is a major event in our country. This paper analyzes the influences on politics of our country brought by this historical event and considers that 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will bring integrated effects of promotion on contemporary China's politics, economy and culture,...
Keywords/Search Tags:Sports, Politics, Relationship, Reorientation, Influence
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