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On The Design Of Teacher Education Course

Posted on:2007-05-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:G D LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2207360185961189Subject:Curriculum and teaching of game theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Teacher education is a professional education for cultivating teachers, including pre-service teacher training, newly qualified teacher induction and in-service teacher training. Curriculum design refers to the process of making curriculum plans or programs, involving setting curriculum goals, selecting & organizing curriculum contents. Teacher education curriculum design, guided by the rationales of"teacher education"and"curriculum design", is to draw up and arrange the curriculums of the three phases of teacher education in a rational and comprehensive way.This dissertation mainly discusses teacher education curriculum design (TECD). Firstly, it analyzes the definition and foundation of TECD in a theoretical way; secondly, it studies China's, Britain's, and America's TECD from the practical aspects; lastly, it sums up the problems and puts forward some suggestions with the"integration"viewpoint.There are three parts in this dissertation. The first part is a brief introduction, presenting the background, relevant researches, aims, meanings, methods, innovations, and limits of the study. The second part is the main body, embracing five chapters. The third part is the epilogue, which summarizes the main ideas of this study and points out the questions to be studied.The followings are presentation of the main body.Chapter One: The Definition of Teacher Education Curriculum Design. By discourse analysis, this chapter distinguishes the concepts of"teacher education"and"curriculum design". Then, it presents the concept, value orientation, and restrictive factors of TECD.Chapter Two: The Foundations of Teacher Education Curriculum Design. From the aspects of the society, knowledge and learners, this chapter mainly discusses the theory foundation of TECD. Also, the chapter explains the reality foundation of TECD combining with the background.Chapter Three: The History of China's Teacher Education Curriculum and Comment on the Teacher Education Curriculum Design. This chapter looks back upon the history of China's Teacher Education Curriculum, and makes some comments from the design vision.Chapter Four: The Status of Britain's and America's Teacher Education Curriculums. The chapter introduces the status of Britain's and America's teacher...
Keywords/Search Tags:teacher education, curriculum design, "integration"
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