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The Application Of Computer Multimedia And Network Technology In The Middle School Mathematics Teaching

Posted on:2003-12-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W B LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper deeply investigates the theoretical foundations about the auxiliary teaching of multimedia (CAI) on the base of the obtained achievements. Combing with the author's educational and teaching practice, the effects of computer multimedia and network techniques on the mathematical teaching of middle school are emphasisly studied and the rules about their application are given.Firstly, by analyzing the existing problems of mathematical teaching, this paper states the necessity of the combination about multimedia and mathematical teaching, and then sums up the other people's achievements and discusses the theoretical basis about the multimedia auxiliary teaching from the following aspects:1. Psychological basis about the producing of CAI;2. Educational basis about the producing of CAI.Secondly, with the author's mathematical teaching practice on the application of multimedia and network techniques, it emphasisly investigates the effects of multimedia and network techniques on the middle schools' mathematical teaching :1. The effects of teacher's teaching;2. The effects of student's studying;3. The supporting effects of student's creative thinking;4. The effects on the mathematical "layer teaching".Finally, considering the existing limitations about multimedia and network techniques on mathematical teaching, it gives the following rules : 1 .The theoretical rules; 2. The selective and applying rules.
Keywords/Search Tags:Computer multimedia, Auxilary teaching, function and effect, Rule
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