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A Study On Juvenile Accordion Teaching Materials For Children

Posted on:2015-07-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y T SangFull Text:PDF
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Because learning music has a promoting effect on children’s future development,children learning musical instruments is supposedly becoming more common in modern society.From the view of learning process on musical instruments, the selection of the enlightenment tutorials is a very worthwhile question, the choice of tutorials often tends to affect on children’s interest and progress in learning.The accordion as suitable as one of the instruments for music enlightenment,has been very popular in the last century.Loving accordion became a symbol of a generation.In order to meet the needs of different ages of learners,varieties of enlightenment tutorials were born.With the pace and development of the modern society and many kinds of instruments can be learned,the number of accordion learners began to decrease.In the teaching process,teachers usually choose the enlightenment tutorials which the second edition of mostly published in eighty or ninety’s of last century. There are many worthy teaching experience and some learning content need to keep refreshing with development of society,but few people pay attention on the children’s accordion enlightenment tutorials’s improvement work.Very few people used foreign enlightenment tutorials directly or translated into Chinese tutorials,such materials can develop children’s learning perspective and exposed them to diverse music resources.The element of nationalism in the foreign enlightenment tutorials much suitable for the local children’s life background,but it is not completely suitable for Chinese children.With more and more close engagement between the International Accordion circles,many new domestic happens in accordion development. These new domestic not timely reflect in the creating of children’s accordion enlightenment tutorials. However, wanting the development of accordion better,we need to grasp the most basic accordion education,make children love and interest in learning accordion. So for the use of creating the enlightenment tutorials and new teaching method needs to be explored and researched. This article is divided into four chapters,through the progressive of sections, gradually derived new ideas for trying to create new accordion enlightenment tutorials for children.The first chapter introduces the development of domestic and international accordion history,including:know about the development process of foreign and domestic children’s accordion enlightenment tutorials;list and introduce the eleven common domestic enlightenment tutorials and eight common foreign enlightenment tutorials;the classification and basic content of children’s accordion enlightenment tutorials.The second chapter is the analysis of the children’s Accordion enlightenment tutorials.Combined with the eleven domestic enlightenment tutorials and eight foreign enlightenment tutorials analysis and induction of characteristics, to pave the way for the comparison in the third chapter. The main contents of the third chapter is attempt to the compare the generality and individuality between domestic and foreign enlightenment tutorials and research the difference between them.The fourth chapter is about make the existing children’s accordion enlightenment tutorials learn from each other,to explore and solve some problems in the process of compiling enlightenment tutorials. According to the need of the social development of accordion, try to design the content framework,to lay the foundation for the later creation of children’s accordion enlightenment tutorials’s work in research and explore basis and experience.The innovation of this article:Based on knowing the development status of domestic accordion,try to absorb the essence of domestic and foreign outstanding children’s accordion enlightenment tutorials,summarized the preliminary theoretical problems and ideas needed to create children’s accordion enlightenment tutorials. Infusion of fresh thing,to close to the trend of social development and keeping pace with the times.
Keywords/Search Tags:accordion, children, the enlightenment tutorials, analysis, creation
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