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Study Of The Problem Of Corruption In Transition

Posted on:2003-01-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2206360065455865Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Corruption is one of the focus problems in the world. Corruption exists everywhere and becomes the main enemy in every government no matter what country, what mankind it is. Our country is in the important period of reform and opening. Both the political system and the economic system are in a critical state. Owing to the initial operation and lots of weakness in supervision during transit period, corruption becomes very rampant. Corruption makes great losses to our country's economy and becomes the social pollution and political challenge. Therefore this study is extremely meaningful in theory and practice.This paper has its particular innovation and feature, which are characterized as follows: firstly, it focuses on the features of our country's transit period and the regular of disharmony caused by political system and economic system. Besides this paper analyses the cause, appearance and danger of corruption in a systemic way. Because of making full use of the realistic data and combining the practice and theory in a seamless way, this paper has great realistic value. Secondly, this paper brings out some strategical measures and concrete methods to prevent corruption. The author puts forward some new concepts and viewpoints throughout the observation and consideration from daily work. Some concepts and viewpoints may be taken into operation.This paper makes a synthetic discuss of corruption from its definition, sort, cause, danger and prevention. It grasps the feature thatcorruption is always combined with economic balance and puts emphasis on the economic analysis.This paper can be divided into four parts in the discussion of corruption. In the first part the author makes a general analysis and scientific definition of corruption. At the same time the author analyses the cause and the danger of corruption from the relationship between the humanity and market. In the second part, from the characteristic of transit period this paper put emphasis on the analysis of causes of our country's corruption. It makes a detail summary of spread of our country's corruption. In the third part the paper points out the great danger of corruption to our country's modernization from the follow parts: China's party construction, social economic construction, Spiritual aspect of civilization and social stability. The paper discusses the realistic danger of corruption in a systemic way. In the forth part the paper brings out some strategical measures, concrete methods and serial of viewpoints to our country's corruption in the transit period. Some viewpoints have great realistic meanings.Finally the paper points out that solving corruption is a long and difficult task, which can't be cleared immediately. At the same time we should believe our party has the ability to solve our own problems, to establish an honest, diligent, pragmatic and efficient government, to make our country in long stabilization.
Keywords/Search Tags:Corruption
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