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Mutual Zhang Cavity Under The Text Field Of Vision "language Style Research

Posted on:2010-07-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X FanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360275991898Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Zhang's Tune,which is of the most worldly legendry among numerous schools of literature,is so called as Tune for the reason that it has turned into a formed language style,originated from the articles of Zhang Ailing and developed by the imitation and innovation of authors in different periods and regions.What is noteworthy,the formation of Zhang's Tune was not after Zhang Ailing became famous but in an unconscious way,which can be identified easily in thousands of her articles. This consistent language style especially demonstrated by its development in Taiwan.The works of Zhang's Tune not only owns a considerable scale of authors and readers,but also becomes a hot issue in the transdisciplinary research fields,such as literature,esthetics,sociology and so on.However,its research in linguistics is quite insufficient.Therefore,this thesis mainly researches on the works of Zhang Ailing and Taiwanese representatives of Zhang's Tune,such as Bai Xianyong,Zhu Tianwen, Su Weizhen,Yuan Qiongqiong and so on,in order to investigate into the common language style and and its reasons for the formation of Zhang's Tune among their words.By probing and disclosing the success and inovation relationship between Zhang's Tune and traditional linguistic style,this research should have a certain theoretical and practical value.Professor Keyi Zhu proposed the feasibility of applying the concept of intertextuality in the research of linguostylistics.She believes that the unconcious, unmindful and unlabelled intertextuality is very easy to be connected with region style, epoch style,national style and school style.Some common genes,mythos and modes are reserved and accumulated by generation and generation in different races and periods.With certain language environment and the need to write it down, intertextuality would be converted to the texts with same language style.Based on the theory of linguistics theory and enlightened by intertextuality theory and,this thesis puts the theory into the research of Zhang's Tune,adopts the theory of intertextuality, which was originated from modern linguistics and has been used widely in literary criticism.This thesis strives to take the influence on language style of social,era, history,physiology,politics,economy,culture,custom and so on into the consideration,inspects on the materials that recorded information of language style, so as to seize the entire scene of the evolution of language style as well as to probe the feature of language style against social,history,culture background. This thesis is composed of six paragraphs,the core train of thought of which could be concluded in four parts.Firstly,the research followed the traditional way that statically and microscopically analyses the articles from the aspect of elements of language style,such as harmonious of sounds,words and expression,syntax,rhetoric and so on,so as to get the prominent language style of Zhang's Tune:bleak but beautiful.Secondly,the thesis investigated the language style in a dynamic and macroscopical way under the background of intertextuality,in order to obtain the implicit language style of Zhang's Tune from "earmarked intertextuality" in or among the articles of Zhang's Tune:euphemistic but sensitive.Thirdly,depending on "earmarked intertextuality",the writer uses the "non-earmarked intertextuality" between texts and backgrounds of social and culture to interpret the reasons for Smriti of the language style of Zhang's Tune,such as region,epoch,life experience, psychology and so on.And lastly,by tracing back to Chinese classic language style, the writer tries to figure out the success and innovation relationship between Zhang's Tune and the traditional.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zhang's Tune, Intertextuality, Language Style
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