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Inspection Of The Of Shiga Literature Couples Ethical Relationship

Posted on:2010-06-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y B MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360275489578Subject:Japanese Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Shiganaoya, born in 1883 and died in 1971, is a writer who has experienced three periods of Japanese contemporary literature, i.e. Meiji,Taisyou, and Syouwa, and a major representative of Taisyou Literature School as well. He had more than 120 works in his life, among which short stories are more prominent. Brief and accurate description is the major feature in his writing style, which surpasses others'works in the history of Taisyou Litersture. He, therefore, is honored as"the god of novels". Otsujyunkichi and Anyakoro are the representatives in Shiganaoya's autobiographies, which are prettily few.Much attention has been attracted since Shiganaoya embarked on the literature in the 43rd year of Meiji. The temperament and humanity view presented in Shiganaoya's literature, is one of the projects explored by the unwearied researchers. The researchers used to focus on a certain works or some period. The present thesis, however, concentrates on the ethical relationship between spouses in Shiganaoya's literature. Besides, this paper centered on the works Otsujyunkichi and Anyakoro and illustrates the process that the ethical consciousness between the husband an wife changes on the basis of different creation stages of the works. In addition, this dissertation attempts to analyze the changes of Shiganaoya's creation style. The present study will explore the ethical relationships between spouses in the works created by Shiganaoya at different stages based on his real life and differentiation method of Shiganaoya literature by GikudasigeoThe thesis consists of five parts.The introduction includes the purpose, significance and literature review.I. The failure of love, the satisfaction of carnality. Otsujyunkichi, a superficial Christian, long for love but is fettered by the ideas of Christian asceticism. He abides by the morality of marriage"one will never be in love with him if he wouldn't be surely her husband". But with the increasingly desire of carnality, he leaped over the border of morality and got married to the maid Chiyo in the end. The initial feature of Shiganaoya literature is to esteem one's own instinctive desire and emphasize self-consciousness.II. Exploration of love coordination. Tokitokensaku is Otsujyunkichi who is in post-adolescence. He attained the family happiness of"Men's work centers around outside, women's work centers around the home". But it didn't last for long because Kensaku's wife committed adultery with her cousin on the way to Korea and then Kensaku fell into the marital tragedy resulted from sex. Shiganaoya, however, has altered his usual attitude that he insisted initially and pursued love coordination. In order to get the rebirth of family happiness, he started his trip to the mountain. This coordination thought represented in his mid-period literature is the principal tone. The present author believes that the tranquil oriental art and Maeterlinck's coordination idea constitute the basis of Shiganaoya's coordination thoughts.III. The attainment of love between birth and death surpassment. The author eventually finished the works Anyakoro in the 12th year of Syouwa after it remained intact for 9 years. Finally, Shiganaoya mentally approached the state of love between birth and death surpassment with the nature surrounding. As the famous saying goes"Rome was not built in a day", he spent much time on thought conversion. The specific insignificance is protruded by his nine-year writing of literature works.Conclusion: up to now, ethical relationship between spouses in Shiganaoya Literature has experienced a changing process of carnality satisfaction without love, exploration of love coordination and attainment of love between birth and death surpassment. Shiganaoya Literature leads to the orientation of tolerant and harmonious literature from self-centered and contrary literature.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shiganaoya, Shiga Literature, spouse ethics, Otsujyunkichi, Anyakoro
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