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On The Image Of Hai Yan's Novels

Posted on:2010-11-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T MengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360275462607Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
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In the study of Haiyan,the relationship between Haiyan's works and visual arts has become the focus of attention.However,most of the researchers focus on the narrative fiction and the mode of detective plus love of Haiyan's novels.And they think it is the reason why his novels are able to meet the needs of film and television,and strike a sympathetic chord with video.However,they neglect the creative thinking of visual arts displayed in Haiyan's novel-creation.Because of the interaction between visual arts and Haiyan's novels,there is a clear visualization trend,Based on the text of an internal study, by analysizing visualization trend,the characteristics of Haiyan's novels,this thesis helps us have a glance of the infiltration of current video culture on literature creation.This thesis includes the following sections:Chapter one discusses the audio-visualization of the language of Haiyan novel.Under the influence of image thinking,Haiyan transformes the language of novel.First,the audio-visualization of figures' language.In order to accord with vison,the main features of his novels,Haiyan emphasis on the "motion" of dialogue and action especially in his novels. He uses "motion" to strengthen the build of the characters,and he treats dialogue as a a motion element of image.In addition,Haiyan demonstrates people's psychology,explains the plot of the story by using voice-over,the unique technique in film,to avoid the phenomena of over-psychologization and introversion in the language description of traditional novel.Instead,he turns to use "hearing",this sensate method,to express people's psychology,memory,hallucinations,dreams and so on,bringing a effect of visualization trend.Second,the sculpt of narrative language.The narrative languages of visual arts are a variety of means,including color,lighting and other visual tools,language, music,sound and other means of hearing.Through realistic and vivid vision,Visual arts shape the image of characters,gains a perfect combination of means,expresses emotion, explains the philosophy of life,achieves the reappearance and performance,reflection and creation of life.Haiyan draws on these elements of the visual arts at full,emphasizes the voice of language,color and light in his creation,so that he turns the abstract language of novels into concrete images,and creates visual,audio,three-dimensional novels by using his language.Chapter two discusses the spatialization of the narration structure of Haiyan's novels. Haiyan transforms the traditional novels which are diachronic and one-way stories,into synchronic and multi-dimensional and by using the "montage" means which is a foundation of visual arts flexibly in the creation of nocvels in the use of as,he turns novels into connection of lens and lens,combinations of scene and scene,and it gives readers a strong sense of vision.He shows the story by the flow of images rather than the narration of traditional fiction,so that the spatialization of novels come into being.While fiction and visual arts are the art of narration,but the narrative perspectives are different.The narrative perspective of novels is provided by the author,and the narrative perspective of visual arts are camera lens.The smallest symbol unit of Visual arts is lens and the author tells story by using images.It is the existence of camera lens that gives the visual arts life.Like a eye everywhere,from different location,different direction,different distance,and different dimensions of any mobile space,camera lens shows complex and colorful images,and creates stories more colorful than fiction Haiyan's novels have a very clear sense of lens,as if there is video camera hidden in the text,and the stories are presented to readers at the constant switching of lens.Chapter three discusses the pros and cons of the novel visualization.There are both positive and its negative side in such story-telling.On the one hand,Haiyan put the technique of visualization into practice by using the abstract language as the media of his novels,and he reflects real life and express his consideration of life in a more visual way. He uses Montage,modeling of visual arts,such as narrative techniques for reference,to provide his novels with the possibility to re-construct theirselves in a new spacetime dimension.On the other hand,the narration of visualization cater for film and tv.Thus,it twists the art feature of fiction and do harm to the deep-seated aesthetic implication,and even sacrifice the ontological characteristics of novel,showing a tendency towards script.
Keywords/Search Tags:Haiyan's novels, visualization, audio-visualization of the language, the spatialization of structure
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