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Exploration. Taoism "due" Category

Posted on:2009-01-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360245972031Subject:Chinese philosophy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
"Yin"is the object of study.I searched for thread of thought from the writings about Taoist school of Pre_Qin times and XiHan dinasty ,investigated the category"Yin"in the system of the whole Taoism. Here, Taoist is not only relate to HuangLao Taoist school which has touched upon the thought"Yin"deeply,but also relate to LaoZhuang Taoist school which is different from HuangLao Taoist school.Almost all Taoist schools explained the category"Yin", it is relate to ontology, epistemology, humanity and philosophy of politics, which pofected methodology of Taoism.The whole paper consist of five chapters. The first chapter raises the riginal meaning of the category"Yin",accounts the conveyance of the category"Yin"in Taoism;The second chapter analyses the thought of"YinTian"of HuangDiSiJing and FanLi , points out that ideology of"YinTian"means obeying the natural laws; The third chapter focuses on the epistemology of"JingYin", introuduces the epistemology of relativism of ZhuangZi; The fourth chapter analyses the relevence between"Yin"and"law",expounds that according to human feelings is humanity basis of legislation.,explains the relation of"Yin"and"Fen", analyses the thought of"XingMing";The fifth chapter expounds the philosophy of politics of monarch doing nothing and the official in feudal times doing.How to deal with the relation between human and nature, human and society, which are always impotant problems that human must be confronted with .The thought of obeying the nature and changing in time has actual meaning today in dealing with the relation of subject and object and bringing the activity of subject into play.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yin, Tao Obeys Ziran, Jingyin, Doing nothing
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