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Du Jun Poetry Study

Posted on:2008-02-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H FuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360215461598Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This essay will focus its attention on Du-Jun from loyalists's perspectives.Du-Jun was a scholar born in the late Ming dynasty.He went through a major historical event named Chia-Shen Chih-pien.Actually,the psychological trauma left to those who suffered from the transition of dynasties was far beyond imagination.Thus,filled with sorrows out of the lost hometown, Du, consciously or unconsciously,displayed a pathos of nostalgia in literary works.This essay will discuss how Du-Jun expressed his poignant feelings through his poems in Bianyatang Poetry.This essay will be divided into three chapters .The first chapter I briefly characterize "Ming Loyalists" in this section.In fact,Du Jun exemplifies the Ming loyalists in response to the Ching dynasty as well.More often than not,loyalists are traditionally believed to show strong hermetic thoughts in the face of a new dynasty.They are normally transcendental and accompanied by an intese feeling of nostalgia toward the lost country.What distinguishes Du-Jun from other loyalists is his active involvement with the mundane world,yet,as amatter of fact,his work still reveals a sense of reclusiveness.The second chapter will describe how Du-Jun got his poem theory formed in the wake of Chia-Shen Chih-Pien.He witnessed how the war inflicted catastrophic effects on his hometown.Therefore,works directly reflected his "poem momery " and "loyalists consciousness"after he experienced the troubled age.The third chapter will analyze Du-Jun's poems.His works often handled the theme of compassion of the lost country and the memory of homeland,that was why it was often considered "simple and elegant". However,Du skillfully blended some historical facts into his own work.For example,many poems covered the complexity of political squabbles during Ming Cheng-te reign.All of these factors made Du-Jun think critically and reflectively on the poems at that time.
Keywords/Search Tags:Du-Dun, Ming Loyalist, Feng-Ya trasition, Cha-Cun style
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