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On The Scholar 'arrogance Of America

Posted on:2007-08-10Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z H MaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360182997514Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The KuangJuan Beauty is a kind of unique esthetics formation formed in the Wei andJin Dynasties. Its formation is synthesized by many kinds of factors, but is not a simpleprocess. Examining the KuangJuan Beauty according to the traditional esthetic judgments,it is possibly difficult to recognize the esthetics connotation. However,given the erabackground and history changes, we can easily realize that KuangJuan became a kind ofbeauty because of the specific humanity and social environments and the historical origins,and it is a multiple-factor process of quantitative changes to qualitative changes during thespecial Dynasties. This article pays attention to the Wei and Jin Dynasties, and takes thescholars in the Wei and Jin Dynasties to be a specific research object. Depending on thespecial esthetics phenomenon, we may obtain from a unique angle of view, and summarizethe unique aesthetic characteristics and profound cultural psychology connotation of thescholars in the Wei and Jin Dynasties in the chaotic but passionate times.This paper is divided into three main parts:The first part: Investigation and distinguishes about KuangJuan. This article analysesthe implication of KuangJuan, especially in the Spring and Autumn Period and WarringStates, then expands on the behavior of the unconventional and the resolute in this time.The second part: Changes, causes and formation of KuangJuan Beauty. Evolving intoa kind of beauty, KuangJuan have experienced transformation from the philosophycategory to esthetics category. First of all, KuangJuan and KuangJuan Beauty relatemutually to each other and also quite different. KuangJuan Beauty became a kind ofesthetics phenomenon till KuangJuan was approved generally by the populace, and was aproduct that KuangJuan developed to a certain stage. Therefore, KuangJuan came beforeKuangJuan Beauty. As a kind of concrete formation of beauty, KuangJuan Beauty wassynthesized by multiple factors, including the scholars, social environments and audiences.The scholars in the Wei and Jin Dynasties combined the unconventional with the resoluteon the basis of the predecessors, thus most of them had these two aspects of thecharacteristics. In the Wei and Jin Dynasties, three basic conditions of KuangJuan Beautywere already mature. The scholars in the Wei and Jin Dynasties were either unconventionalor resolute, so that their performance accomplished KuangJuan Beauty. The manifestationsof KuangJuan Beauty mainly divides into two aspects: one manifests in the scholars'words and deeds, the other is that KuangJuan esthetics thoughts perform in the literature,namely the appearance of each sorts of strange or supernatural novels.The third part: The thought and cultural roots of KuangJuan Beauty. KuangJuanBeauty formed by kinds of thoughts, and was mainly influenced by Confucianism, Lao-zhuang and Metaphysics. KuangJuan Beauty manifested the unconventional and resolutespirits, containing the Chinese ancients' life esthetics consciousness.
Keywords/Search Tags:the scholars in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, KuangJuan, KuangJuan Beauty, life esthetics consciousness
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