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Korean Independent Alliance Dynasty

Posted on:2004-11-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y D QiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360095457812Subject:China's modern history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Korean Independence Union was an important party in the Korean Independent Movement. It was founded by some Koreans going into exile in China with the direct help and support of the CPC in 1942.1ts intention was to resist the Japanese aggression ,to recover Korea and to carry out national democratic revolution. It was the largest Korean organization outside metropolitan Korea.The CPC has been supporting the liberation cause of the oppressed nation ever since it had been founded. The development of the Anti-Japanese battlefield behind enemy lines attracted a great number of Koreans. They set up North China Korean Youth League with the help of the CPC. And on this basis they organized the Korean Independence Union (KIU). The KIU set forth the programme of national democratic revelotion clearly and definitely and its military power-the Korean Army of Volunteers.The KIU become an example of the Koreans to resist the Japanese aggression and to recover Korea abroad.The KIU distinguished itself in the anti-Japanese made use of all kinds of forms to expose the outrages of the Japanese troops,to prepagate resisting Japanese ,to arouse the masses and to boost the anti-Japanese morale. Its branches and opration stronghold scattered all over the bases and the enemy-occupied areas in North China,Central China and South China.And underground organizations were founded inside Korea. It set up numerous Korean military and political qualified personnel and laid personnel foundation for the victory of the Anti-Japanese war and the rebuilding of Korea.The KIU took part in enterprise management and agricultural production and contributed for the building of bases.Compared with the contemporary other parties in the Independence Movement,the KIU had its characteristics.First,the painstaking support of the CPC was an important factor of the founding,developing and the strengthening of the KIU .While other parties linked closely with the KMT.Second.the KIU showed the feature of wideness in its personnal.Third,the firmness of the unity among the members of the KIU was unique among the parties in the Independence Movement.The KIU and the Korean Army of Volunteers under its lead fought side by side with the Chinese army and civilian.They attacked the Japanese fascist heavily and dedicated to the victory of the Chinese Anti-Japanese War and the Korean national democratic revolution greatly.The KIU composed brilliant and moving chapter in the history of Chinese Anti-Japanese War,the history of the Korean Independence Movement and the history of Sino-Korean friendship.
Keywords/Search Tags:the Korean Independence Union, Activities, characteristics
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