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Modern Chinese "v, R"

Posted on:2002-07-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P C ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360032456943Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The 得 sentence is a rather common sentence pattern in modem Chinese and is also a rather hot research topic in grammatical research. It demands more detailed and deeper inquiry. In this thesis, the inquiry focuses on this type of the 得 sentence which introduces complement of result by adding 得. With the application of relative theories of Three Planes, this thesis analyses and studies this type of sentence pattern and tries to reveal its grammatical properties and grammatical laws, based on detailed and complete description. This thesis first makes meticulous segmental description on "V 得 R" sentences. It studies the semantical properties of the complement and the subordinate groups'division of the complement in semantic plane. In pragmatical plane, it studies theme, statement, emphasis and focus of expression. Meanwhile, by applying the approaches of transposition and addition, etc., it makes changing analysis to this type of sentence and thereafter discussed about the causes for ambiguity and about the approaches to eliminate it. In the end, it illustrates the distribution of the "V 得 R" sentences in different types of writing style.
Keywords/Search Tags:the 得 sentence, Three Planes, Changing Analysis
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