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Self-esteem Of Poor Students In Secondary Schools And The Control Source,

Posted on:2001-04-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H R ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205360002451626Subject:Basic Psychology
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A STUDY ON THE RELATlONSIIIP BETWEEN SELFEVOLUTION AND CONTROLLED SOURCE OF THE STUDENDSWITH LEARNING DISABILITIES IN THE MIDDLE SCHOOLMajor: General Psychology Specialty: Personality & EducationTutor: Zheng YOng Author: Zhang hui-rongAbstractThe school developmental research of LDs has been a discussed hottopic fOr the psychologists. LDs are a realistic problem that theeducation field has to face and some researches have been done in recentyears. This research,adopting two measuring forms(Self Evolution andControlled Source) and combining the stUdentS' academic record andmoral quality, investigated and analysed the characteristics of the selfevolution and controlled source oftLhe 94l studentS from a key school anda common school, and also did some related researches. The resultSshowed that'(1) The self evolution of the middle schooI students differ inschools. grades' and sexes.(2)The situation of sfudy and morality has different influencebetween the junior and senior students. The junior students have stronggeneral self evolution. socia1 self evolution and personal self evolutionunder the good academic achievementS; and also strong social selfevolution under good morality. The senior students have strong social selfevolution under good academic achievements,and also strong socialmoral self evolution under good morality.(3) The middle school stUdents' study has stronger influence on theirself evtriution than morality. It shows: the students obviously value academic achievements more than the moral comment. This happens evidently especially for the senior students directed by the college entrance examination. (4) Several remarkable negative relativities basically have relation with the association self evolution. This may reflect a common problem for present middle school students. That is ,the students with good marks and morality may not be good at association. (5)The junior students?study relates to social family self evolution and personal family self evolution. Parents?education and demand affect their children's study and their self evolution. Family education should be valued and children should be guided correctly and properly. School education and family education should be closely cooperated. (6)LDs and NLDs( Nondisabled students) differ in controlled source. LDs are strong in unknown control on generalization, understanding, association and body, short of internal control in understanding and emphasize the others?authorized control in association. LDs have more unknown and incapable control. LDs lower their self evolution while with internal and authorized control attribution before their bad achievements. The study not only enriches the related psychological research, but also has much significance for education practice. It suggests: in order to train qualified and fully developed students with noble character, it is necessary to do correct self evolution training and give perfect guidence to their controlled source.
Keywords/Search Tags:middle school LDs, self evolution, controlled source
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