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Southern Song Dynasty, Zhao Yan-side Poetry Writing

Posted on:2012-05-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H TangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205330338492632Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
ZhaoYanduan is a famous man of letter in the initial period of Southern Song Dynasty. Your ear set once called him as"the excellence in imperial clan of Song Dynasty". He is good at creating poem and lyric, especially lyric. In this paper, aim at giving Zhao Yanduan an objective evaluation, the author will analyze Zhao Yanduan's creation of poem and poetry by probing into his official career and thought.Zhao Yanduan went up and down for three times during his official career, which can be divided into three periods----transitional period, developing period and golden period. He was in contact with many famous men of letter, such as Xin Qiji, Han Yuanji, Lu You, Yang Wangli, and so on. The poetic recitals and replies between Zhao Yanduan and those men of letter provide the basis for evaluating his achievement of literature creation. Under the special background of Southern Song Dynasty, Zhao Yanduan had both a heart of patriotism and a sentiment of hiding in mountain forest.His lyric contains an abundant connotation. According to the subject matter of his existing lyrics, his lyrics can be divided into longevity lyrics, hermit lyrics, boudoir repining lyrics, object–chanting lyrics and so on. His lyrics acquire a great achievement by employing the artistic characteristics of personification and the images of plum and wine. The artistic characteristics of his lyrics are reflected on the employing of the literary quotation. It becomes a unique aspect of his lyric. The poetic recitals and replies between Zhao Yanduan and other men of letter and their communication focus on Han Yuanji, Xin Qiji, and three famous lyricist of imperial clan of Song Dynasty, etc. By the comparison between their works, it highlights the achievement and influence of Zhao Yanduan's lyric creation, which is appreciated by the people, and embodies the value of his creation on the lyric history to a certain degree.On analyzing Zhao Yanduan's creation of poem, the author will start with the subject matter of his poem, primary in longevity poem, hermit poem. There is a similarity between poem and lyric on the employing of the subject matter. His poem contains a characteristic of talent creation, which is reflected on the unique characteristic of poem and similar to that of his lyric. It forms a creation style of assembling poem and lyric and expresses a characteristic of using the ways derived from the technique of poem to write lyric. It accords to the development trend of Song Dynasty literature.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zhao Yanduan, Southern Song Dynasty, poetry writing side
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