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The Rise And Fall Of The Golden Horde, Russia

Posted on:2012-12-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J CuiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2205330335971436Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
During the Mongol period, medieval Russia chaced to be at the interface of two vast and irreconcilable worlds. Considered from the West, Russia lay at the distant rim of European Christendom, on the most remote reaches of the frontier. Contemplated from the East, Russia was the westernmost of the huge Mongol dominions stretching all the way was part and yet not a part of both realms. Tied culturally to Byzantium and the West, politically to the pagan and later Muslim East, Russia under the Golden Horde was from either perspective an anomaly.The Golden Horde had ruled the principalities in Northeast Rus for over two hundred years long.The Rus state and society had a huge change in this era.Befor the Mongol conquer the Rus hadn't suffered disaster as this. The Northeast Rus haven't dominate by the Golden Horde directly,but the principalities in Northeast Rus was interfered by Tatar ruler even from the warfare and the state affairs to the life of the common people and all law cases which involved any Mongol.In addition to this,the princes introduced Mongol regime from the Golden Horde,and then the Russian princes perfect the bureaucracy gradually.Main viewpoints:It's no doubt that the Mongol conquer war and the Rus controled by the Golden Horde for over two centries long,the Tatar ruler took a great catastrophe to the Rus society. But it is abundantly clear that a variety of peaceful interactions were commonplace. Russian and Mongol warriors often rode into battle side by side, Russian princes brought home Tatar wives, great trading expenditions traveled between Sarai and the Russian forests, and so on. In addition, the Golden Horde's effect on Russia's development, though hard to measure, was clearly very great. There is importance of the rich commerce that arose later, carefully nurtured by the Golden Horde. And we should found that the great change had happend in Rus in this era. Karamzin coined the sentence:"Moscow owes its greatness to the Khans". The Kiev Rus is a city-state which based on the princes, aristocracy and vech,the institution in Muscovy which arised in Northeast Rus after the Golden Horde had Oriental Despotism character. The grand prince in Muscovy could concentrate the financial power and labor resources rely on this institution and they unified Russia. The precise role the Horde played in the rise of Moscow and the unification of Russia is difficult to assess, but it is clear that Muscovy availed itself of a number of Tatar institution as it consolidated its power and during its later expansion. In brief, the Mongol impact on medieval Russia was diverse, complicated, and powerful. And furthermore the Muscovy became the molden Russia which based on the Tsar, the Orthox church and serfdom from the Oriental Despotism institution. To demonstrate the Oriental Despotism arised in Russia was influence by the Golden Horde is the key point of this paper. Besides the West Russia was out of control of the Golden Horde, so the East and West Russia divided into different nations. It is anorther key point of the dissertation.This paper was divided into 8 parts:The first part that named "the Mongol invasion and the Golden Horde"-introduce the history before the Mongol invasion and the history of the Golden Horde itself briefly.From the second to the seventh parts, analyse the affection from the Golden Horde to the medieval Russian history in national, social, political, financial, cultural and religious points of view detailedly.The last part is the conclusion that summarize the great change in Rus society during the Golden Horde era and then focus on the discussion of the growth of the Oriental Despotism in Russia.
Keywords/Search Tags:the Golden Horde, Rus, northeast Rus, southwest Rus, Despotism
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