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The Field Of Aids Prevention Ngo Participation

Posted on:2011-08-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W H XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2204360305993961Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Now, NGO is an important force in public affairs management. As a global public health issue and social problem, the prevention and control of AIDS needs the participation of NGO. Futuremore, the experiences of areas that success in control the epidemic have shown that the prevention and control of AIDS can not without the participation of NGO.China is currently in the critical period to the prevention and control of AIDS. Zhong Nanshan, Zeng Yi and other 22 leading scientists in China joint appealed to the community, "the the prevention and control of AIDS has become an critical political mission in our country. " So, the thesis based on the on-the-spot investigation and expert interview to research the participation of NGO in the AIDS prevention in Yunnan provice. Finally, give the suggestions to improve the participation under the experiences of the United States, Australia and Hong Kong.The thesis is composed of five chapters. The first chapter is introduction part. ChapterⅡproved the NGO play an important role in AIDS prevention in perspectives of both theory and practice. ChapterⅢanalyzed the probloms faced by Yunnan Province in NGO participation in AIDS prevention and control. Then, in the fourth chapter introduced the experiences of the United States, Australia and Hong Kong to control the epidemic. Finally, ChapterⅤgave the suggestion from the points both of government and the NGO to improve the NGO's participation and AIDS prevention work in China.
Keywords/Search Tags:AIDS, prevention and control, NGO, participation
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