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"Golden Chamber" The Jaundice And Treatment Origins

Posted on:2010-05-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L BiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2204360278980885Subject:TCM clinical basis
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Jaundice indicates the diseases with major symptoms such as yellow eyeball, which is the most important symptom, yellow skin and yellow urine in traditional Chinese medicine. The main symptoms of Jaundice is recorded in Huang Di Nei Jing. Shang Han Za Bing Lun, written by Zhang Zhongjing of East Han Dynasty, is the first book systematically discussed about the diagnosis and curing Jaundice. Synopsis of Golden Chamber is part of Treatise on Exogenous Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases. This book involves the chapter of Jaundice which has created a precedent study of selection of treatment based on the differential diagnosis about this disease. This chapter discussed pathogeny, treatment and medicine of Jaundice in detail. It laid a foundation for the development of clinical medicine.The development history of Jaundice which is an important one in clinic of Traditional Chinese Medicine, covered a long period. And arrange the history of Jaundice, it was first recorded in QIN-HAN period, formed in JIN-TANG period, developed in SONG-YUAN period, and was flourished in MING-QING period. In its long history, many doctors and clinicians gradually consummate Jaundice onset law and main points of syndrome differentiation and summarize comprehensive experience of clinical administration and accumulate plenty of relative literatures during their clinical observation and practical recognition over two thousand years from the pre-Qin dynasty to the end of Qing dynasty. The Jaundice theory has been enriched by many doctors. Hence, it has forming a systematic science full of all aspects. But, the theory are scattered on the writings of these doctors, lack of collation and induction.This thesis investigate Jaundice in Synopsis of Golden Chamber form the perspective of history and bibliography. It includes two major parts. Academic origin and development in those aspects of etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment were explored and discussed in the first part. The history of the literature of Jaundice is divided into five periods in the first part, pre-Qin and East & West Han period, Jin-Sui-Tang period, Song-Jin-Yuan period, Ming-Qing period, and Min guo & modern times period. The article discusses some questions in the history of Jaundice. The second part concludes the developmental laws of Jaundice, as well as explains the disease at some important questions on the developmental locus and the laws of diagnosis and treatment of Jaundice. This article is going to illuminate the theory of Jaundice systematically, promote the development of clinical practice of Jaundice.Research on Source and Evolution of the Syndrome and Treatment of Jaundice in Synopsis of Golden Chamber and special advance in each dynasty was narrated in the literatures of traditional Chinese medicine. The recognition history and curing experiences of Jaundice will provide historical reference for the modern physicians to cure Jaundice. The characteristics in different phase was retrospected and studied in his article, which will be beneficial to make profound investigate on the treatment and syndrome differentiation of Jaundice in the later times.
Keywords/Search Tags:Synopsis of Golden Chamber, Jaundice, origin and development, selection of treatment based on the differential diagnosis
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