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Man Involved In Theoretical Research, The "classic" Was Given Cunkou

Posted on:2007-02-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N M a n u e l J o s M o r Full Text:PDF
GTID:2204360185990332Subject:Acupuncture and Massage
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This thesis comprises of five chapters, taking the Chinese cosmological vision as a starting point.Since the dawn of civilization, human kind has shown a special curiosity towards death. The loss of corporal animation, has always been, and continues to be one of the most traumatic and critical experiences in human existence. The possibility of not existing, manifests as a psychologically unacceptable fact. The first contact with the unanimated being and the tragedy of death, and the realization of its existence and its corresponding realities, shapes the person into his tribal or social animal entity. This fact spurned respect and triggered the ardent flame of desire of mankind to inquire into the mysteries of life; all the factors that maintain life and the forces that are involved, impose and determine fate. And all factors that maintain life and those forces that impose and determine fate.In order to fulfill this need, man starts to give special importance to Heaven, which is understood as the natural laws and movement of life, and began a process of understanding theses phenomena and the laws that govern life. "Heaven is great, earth is great, man is also great", if we consider the evolution of the structure of the Chinese character in this ancient proverb we could say: " man is great, heaven is greater"; Heaven is the dome above man, man destiny is suspended in heaven.Since ancient times, a research process of the cosmos, understood as the relation between space and time, began through the study of astronomy and geographic topography, etc...Once determined the concepts of time and space, the regularities of movement and its variations could be understood. The microcosmic human body can be understood in the same way. The factors that directly influence the being and the devenir of things, life and death are the laws of movement. The movement itself, the lack of movement, and the way things and facts move and their variations were the ultimate reasons for the deep understanding of life manifestations, present in the movement in the blood vessels. Therefore the understanding of life manifestations, present in the movement within the vessels, is based on the knowledge of space and time. That is why the Classic of difficult issues advocates: the opening inch is the place where the vessel of the Arm Greater yin moves.According to the same classic of difficult issues, the lineal space or extension of the inch mouth corresponds to 1 inch and 9 divisions, the depth at this place corresponding to around 15 grains of millet, and the measure of the Yellow bell is used to determine the length at the inch mouth. This metric system uses the width of a broomcorn millet to establish the fen division measure, so the arrangement of 9 or 10 grains of broomcorn millet (Panicum miliaceum) is equivalent to 1 inch. In this same system of measurement the Difficult issue 5 uses 3 to 12(15) grains of millet to settle the depth of the inch mouth. This metric system was based on the importance that was given to music in ancient times. It was believed that music could communicate man and heaven, register and reflect the Heavenly measure, and therefore enable prognosis of meteorology (Heavenly qi).If we look closely at the structure of the Classic of Difficult issues, the clear cosmologic vision is apparent. In order to understand the vessel, the ancient physicians categorized the blood vessel into different laws of analysis. Initially the vessel is divided into two aspects, that include yin yang, space and time, night and day, etc... Thirdly, the two aspects are divided in the Trinity of Heaven, Earth and Man (the spleen resides in the middle, it is named the middle state). Fourthly, the two aspects or principles are divided again into four manifestations; these manifestations correspond to the four periods of a day, or four periods of a year (yang within yang, yin within yang, yang within yin and yin within yin). Fifthly, into the five phases and its respective relations of engendering and dominance, and sixthly, into the six solar periods and the six courses, etc... This Canon supports these laws to be the principles that rule all life manifestations and their corresponding interrelationships.Returning to the idea of movement, in ancient days the movement of blood within the vessels was discovered before the beating of the heart, and therefore although ancient literature records that...
Keywords/Search Tags:Exclusive use of the inch mouth, Movement within the vessel, The lung courts the hundred vessels, Yin solar day period, Yin month period, Eight winds
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