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"treatise On The" Discussion About The Disease Nature Of The Pericardium

Posted on:2006-11-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P X LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2204360152988595Subject:TCM clinical basis
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Jueyin disease is the last period of the six meridians diseasesyndrome of cold-induced febrile disease. It's different in recognizingthe essence of Jueyin disease of the past doctors. There are severaltheories, such as cold, heat, deficiency, intermingled cold and heat,intermingled deficiency and excess,etc. It could even be said there isno agreement among many views and it's unable to agree upon. Accordingto the original words of Jueyin disease in Shanghan Lun and in accordancewith the general regularity of six meridians disease syndrome, this studyconnected the reason and result of Jueyin disease and analyzed the essenceof Jueyin disease in some aspects ,such as rising and falling of vitalqi and pathogen, contrasting on the force of vital qi and pathogenic qi.The result is there is no special difference in Jueyin disease with theothers in six meridians disease syndrome. Confronting the daedal originalwords of Jueyin disease, we can see the essence of Jueyin diseaseobjectively if we analyze it with the method of treatment based on syndromedifferentiation. If syndrome develops from Shaoyin to Jueyin, and then based on theweakness of kidney-yang in the heart and kidney, the Jueyin liver andpericardium ministerial fire will die out. This proceed is the exhaustionof the kidney-yang in Five zang-viscera and Six fu-viscera, which is calledextreme Yin-Cold due to disorder of Zang-organ. The development of thissyndrome will be the deathly syndrome of which the extreme of kidney-yangdeficiency and yin-cold excess. Furthermore , it will never has the turningpoint ,such as yin in its extreme producing yang or things always reversethemselves after reaching an extreme.There are tree occasions that the exogenous cold invades Jueyin. They aremeridian-cold, viscera-cold and cold both in the meridian and thezang-viscera. It is called syndrome of cold of Jueyin..It can be treatedand has a nice prognosis.If the cold pathogen stagnate the ministerial fire of Jueyin, then coldexcess will be the main syndrome and the ministerial fire of Jueyin notyet exhaustion. The ministerial fire will burst out after extremestagnation and yang qi comes to restore it. In such an occasion, thesyndrome always has four kinds of alterations. First , yang restores andyin declines, and the syndrome turn out to be a self-healing one. Second,yang restores excessively, then fire is the reminder of extreme yang andform the heat syndrome of Jueyin. Third, yang qi increases and decreasesfrom time to time, and it will be heat or be diarrhea with coldness onthe extremities, which leads to the syndrome of alternate coldness andfever. The last one is that yang restores excessively and yin-cold doesn't eliminate totally, which will lead to a syndrome of intermixing of coldand heat ,or heat in the upper and cold in the lower. All of the aboveare induced by the bursting of the ministerial fire, and the restore ofyang qi after the ministerial fire of Jueyin was stagnated by thepathogenic qi of yin-cold. So the Jueyin disease is really complex andchangeable. But all can be followed by some rules. In addition, there are five more words after "Differentiation andTreatment of Jueyin Disease and Pulse Syndrome, the twelfth" in ZhaoKaimei's Recountermarking of Song Edition Treatise on "Shang-Han Lun". Obviously, it is because of Wang Shuhe or others had added the contentof "Jue, Li, Ou and Yue" ,which belongs to another chapter to the chapterof Jueyin disease. Since then, Syndrome of diarrhea, vomiting and hiccup,which not the syndromes of Jueyin disease, are also treated as Jueyindisease. It left some confused questions when people studying the essenceof Jueyin disease. We should distinguish syndromes when treating thesesyndromes of diarrhea, vomiting and hiccup. It could be seen as not only Jueyin disease but also non-Jueyin disease.
Keywords/Search Tags:", treatise
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