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The Neijing Shanzhong Theory Discussed

Posted on:2002-03-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D WuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Danzhong is a conception produced by Internal Classic andDanzhong theory is one of the essential theories about Bowelsand Viscera in Internsl Classic. 0n the Basis of InternalClassfc and other doctor's statements in history, this thesisanalyze the different conception for Danzhong theory andconsider that the essence of Danzhong theory is a combinationof pericardium and chest. Furthermore, this thesis alsodi scuss the location, function, concerned channels andnetwork vessel s about Danzhong and put forward some treatmentmethods for Danzhong's diseases and stress clinical usageabout Danzhong theory.
Keywords/Search Tags:Internal Classic, Danzhong theory, feeble-mindedness diease
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