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Urumqi Uygur Clinical Features Of Acute Myocardial Infarction

Posted on:2002-12-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2204360032455786Subject:Department of Cardiology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
THE CLINICAL CHARACTEmSTICS OF UYGURPATIENTS WITH ACUTE MYOCroIALINFARCT1ON IN URUMQI AREADepartment of Cardiology Frist amliated Hospit8I,Xinjiang Medical UnivercityPostgraduate ZbangliTutor TianwenqiugABSTRACTOBJECTIVE:To investigate the clinical characteristics ofUYGUR patients, with acute myocardiaI infarction (AMI).METHODS:Seven hundred and seventeen patients of un (Han54l,UYGURl76) adrmitted to l8 hospitals of Urumqi area frOml997 to l999 were anaIyzed to compare clinical states (includingagew risk factors. climcal symPtom\ serial comPlication. in-hosPitalmortality rate) of LWGL1R with Han patients.RHSULTS:UYGLffepatients were much younger than Han patients;Hightriglyceride and large area infarction were much ommonl 6in UYGUR patients; More UYGIJR patients were complicated with congestive heart failure; In-hospital mortality rate had no significant difference between UYGUR and Han patients.CONCLUSION: The results suggest that it is very important to lower serum lipid., therapy hypertension and diabetic mellitus..chang life style and diet custome for preventing UYGUR coronary heart disease.
Keywords/Search Tags:Acute myocardial infarction, UYGUR Clinical characteristics.
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