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Qi And Detoxification Treatment Of The Spleen Gynecological Disease

Posted on:2002-10-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L CengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2204360032450581Subject:Basic Theory of TCM
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective:Study curative effects al1d l11ecl1al1ism of Yi Qi Jie Du TangFang(YJDTF)in tTeatingPiXu al1d dotv11ward l1ow of damp-heat syn1ptomcomplex leukorrhagia.Mathods:curative studying selected Pi Xu anddownward flow of damp-l1eat syl11ptol11 col11plex leukorrl1agia(westernmedicine diagmosed as Tricl1ol11ol1al vagil1itis,8VCo1pitis mycotica),regardedYQJDTF as treating group and Yi H[1a11g Tany Fang(YHTF)as contTastgroup,treated patiel1ts,Experi111cI1tal studics l1ax'e diI11i11isl1il1g iI1na111matio1l,outof body colilini11g bactcria al1d i111111ul1c ftlnctions cxpcrin1cl1t,Results:Thecurative efTccts rcsult sl1ottpsfYQJDTF ca11 sigl1ifica11tly alliviatc sy111ptoms ofPi Xu a11d Da111p11css a11d Hcat of Morbid l1as good functions ofcIearing Hcat al1d cxpclIil1g MiaI11a,cxpclli11g Wil1d and removingDampllcss,destroyi11g parasi1cs of YQJDTF is 9().68%.TI1c cffect of YQJDTF isrcn1arkably supcrior to tI1at of ll1c coy1trast grotlp (trcat u'itl1 YHTF).Withtrcati11g YJDTF,thc cf TCcts or Tricl1o111o11al vnginitis,BVColpitis n1}'coticaarcnot diffcrcl1t;Conclusioll: l .YJDTF l1as good ful1ctiol1s of dimi11isI1inginflalnl1latiol1.In se\'cral t}'pcs of ncL1te or cl1ro11ic il1fla11atiol1 a11i111aI InodcI,itpla3ed the rolc of obvious reprcssio11,2.1[ l1l1ibit the dcvclopl11c11t of a variety' ofpatl1ogcl1ic l11icroorgal1isl11;3. l t cn11 pro111otc tl1e i111I11u11c f1Inctiol1s of a11imaIn1odel,Ot provcd tl1at YQJDTF is n11 cI1tcti\ c 111cdicil1c for trcatil1g Pi Xu anddowntvard no1v of dal11p-11cat s}'l11ptol11 coI11plcx lCLIkorr11agIa.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yi Qi Jic Du Tang Fang(YJDTF), lcukorrhagia, clinicalword, experimcntal study
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