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Inspection On The Construction Of Community Health Service System

Posted on:2012-07-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P X HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2204330335957428Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Practice has proved that:community health services is to reduce the waste of health resources within the region, ensure the provision of low-cost, cost-effective interventions and health care residents the best way. Vigorously carry out the work of community health services, building a comprehensive community health service system has become thoroughly implement the scientific concept of development, building "to education, employment, medical, pension, and housing "socialist harmonious society is an important topic. Urumqi, a new urban community health service system work after almost a decade of development, initially built a community-based health services in the new urban health service system. However, due to geography and lack of economic development and human resources and other reasons, a new urban community health service system in the development process building is faced with many difficulties and problems seriously affected and restricted the work further. To fully understand the new status of urban community health services, seeking to promote the healthy development of community health services strategy, this region through community health services for all baseline survey conducted to obtain first-hand information on the new status of urban community health services and problem analysis and research. From the establishment of support mechanisms, services, system architecture, resource configuration, status of community health services in terms of a new urban community health services run description and analysis of the current situation. Compensation for the implementation of the policy found not in place, the policy difficult to implement the business premises, staff can not meet the needs of the functions undertaken by the service function is imperfect, "two-way referral" channel is not smooth and other issues, proposed the establishment of a sound investment in community health services mechanisms and personnel protection mechanism, expand the service functions of community health services, smooth "two-way referral" channels, and strengthen and improve the community health service system in countermeasures and suggestions.This paper consists of four chapters:Chapter points on the new urban community health service system in describing the present condition; The second chapter describes the community of foreign and domestic experience in health service system in case; the third proposes a new urban community health service system in problems; fourth chapter is perfect new urban community health service system response and suggestions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Urumqi, Community health, two-way referral
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