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Muller Five Law The Zhongjing With Side (drug) Law

Posted on:2012-01-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S Z WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2204330335458884Subject:TCM clinical basis
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Logic is about reasoning and argumentation in science, is to study the reasoning used to distinguish the correct and incorrect reasoning methods and principles of learning. Logic is generally divided into "deductive logic" and "inductive logic", the fundamental difference is that the way of supporting conclusion. The premise of deductive logic decisive support of its assertion that the conclusion is a deductive argument is valid, the premise is true, then the conclusion must be true; inductive logic does not necessarily require them to support the conclusions of the premise, even if the premise is true, That is the premise of the conclusions of probability to provide support. Mill's five canons is an inductive method, is to seek ways of causation, according to some characteristics of causality, was not certain the cause of the phenomenon being studied exclude first case, while in the rest of the first situation is Causal relationship established between the research phenomenon, that is, excluding induction.Zhang Zhong jing, an Eastern Han dynasty physician's medical summary of. previous achievements in writing before the "Febrile Diseases " which is not only the first clinical master piece, but also the chinese medical classic research, mainly to discuss infectious diseases and miscellaneous diseases as the main content. "Febrile Diseases, "also known as Zhong Jing Fang, before the Han Dynasty in succession based on the medical side, combined with their practical experience from the development of innovation. Clinical Zhang prescription testimonies stringent legislation in the result card to legal system side, with the addition and subtraction cards has accumulated a wealth of experience, including a number of important principles of the group side, they have been learned after the Buddha as the originator of prescription.Zhong Jing prescription is summed up in clinical practice, Mill's five canons focus on the connection between the phenomenon of things, examples of induction can be used in Zhong jing simplify, focus, control and understanding of the clinical syndrome side (medicine) certificate relations, by induction Logic of scientific discovery and the role of knowledge innovation to five canons of Mill's, Zhong jing law should provide a different logic.1.Objective 1.1 By different disciplines, to logic in the method of inductive reasoning and summarize the law of Zhong jing understanding and awareness.1.2 The Chinese side of Zhang Zhong Jing (medicine) certificate of cause and effect, and to help explore the clinical thinking and Herbal Prescription law.2. Methods2.1 Statistical methods, first to establish "Treatise on" and "Golden Chamber" square card database and the corresponding provisions in order.2.2 Setting the selected drugs, prescriptions, data analysis tool by certain parties (medicine) certificate corresponding to the relevant provisions of the pooled together, concentrated discriminated analysis, to simplify its2.3 Application of induction in the five Mill's canons, including seeking the same method, difference method, with the divergent requirements and use of political reform, and the remaining five methods this method. Zhong jing collated for analysis, which established the causal connection and provides a degree of support.3. ResultsFive Ways to Mill-based tools to explore the law of Zhang Zhong Jing, achieved a total of 17 prescriptions,14 herbal medicine law analysis and results.3.1 Prescription and Syndrome there is a causal relationship between. Party rules permit prescription of appropriate clinical, multi-party basis of syndrome characteristics and degree certificates for the same prescription, the same prescription use, do not have exactly the same symptom, ask its main symptom is the feasibility analysis by the master key to increase Clinical syndrome of the right and clarity.3.2 Zhong jing by specific drugs in different prescriptions for the study based on the compatibility, you can know when Zhong jing addition and subtraction in the clinical use of drugs is based on the syndrome. Zhong jing application drug addition and subtraction, with its regularity, the reaction between the disease and drug-specific relationship between drug card highlights the existence of its repeatability.3.3 Mill method can be considered as a five-tool or method to help analyze the theory of the relationship between phenomena. nduction itself is an adventure, the world itself is not without tricks, law and order at all. Example, the sunrise and sunset, the four seasons of nature is the law of alternation, it is through the use of induction in the natural sciences do play an important role, both in scientific discovery and confirmation of theories have significant contribution. The wisdom of induction is "a thing may be possible as long as false, but not yet proved to be false, hen we can believe him. " This method can be explored through Herbal Prescription Zhong jing compatibility law, clinical way of thinking4. ConclusionChinese medicine can not develop without the succession of outstanding heritage, Zhong jing ong historical practice, with its wide range of adaptability demonstrated its vitality. Ancient physicians in long-term evolution of the continuous development of clinical practice, and gradually enriched the content of Science of Prescriptions. Academic development must also be times, in succession on the basis of innovation. Scientific attitude should be to respect the previous practice in the formation of effective long-term experience and well proven fact, summed up one of the law. Zhong jing side for the study of inductive logic is to investigate the induction process to follow in what kind of rules, and then summarized the law of the logic model and reasonable. Inductive logic, reasoning about the logic of probability, nduction alone can not make a scientific discovery or invention, only the combination with other methods of induction, in order to play the role of knowledge innovation. Analysis of inductive logic and objective understanding of the phenomenon can be inter-related links to find their key in common, otherwise you are likely to see their individual unique nature of these individual characteristics are usually unimportant. Albert Einstein once said, "We can not always know the true nature of things, never"The subject is basically a medical condition or causal relationship to explore the science, in the face than trying to relieve or alleviate disease caused by disease, discomfort and pain, but also need to seek to understand the cause of the cause, you want to check against drugs to try to grasp the essential Ins and outs of the disease, causes and effects. With the change of social structure, diseases Jiancheng complicated the situation, faced with difficult hybrid card can not do anything, how to expand through the appropriate use of Clinical Zhong jing situation is bound to increase. Multidisciplinary and scientific analysis of the accession, innovative traditional mode of thinking, giving new meaning to traditional Chinese medicine theory, through various disciplines Zhong jing to be analyzed and summarized, rasping the essence, o find laws, know these and know why, by Mill's five canons and Zhong jing, in addition to understand the side (drug) syndrome is the existence of its regularity, and can perform simple way of thinking will Zhong jing to find them in common. Mill's five canons, while not enough scientific discovery tool and as a result, at best, highly reliable proof, but is still a phenomenon to explore the relationship between things, an effective method.
Keywords/Search Tags:Prescription and syndrome, Inductive logic, Mill's five canons, Regulation of formulas, Febrile diseases, Zhong jing
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