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Study On The Syndrome Differentiation System Of T?d? Yoshimasu

Posted on:2020-03-22Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1364330578981659Subject:TCM clinical basis
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
ObjectiveThe paper attempts to explore the academic thoughts of T?d? Yoshimasu and the construction process of his syndrome differentiation system,so as to:(1)reveal the different perspectives of T?d? and Chinese doctors in studying the rule of classical prescriptions and the reasons for this;(2)to explore the specific reasoning steps and principles of T?d? in determining syndromes correspondended to drugs and prescriptions;(3)to clarify the similarities,differences and complementary effects of the syndrome differentiation systems of T?d? and Chinese tradition.MethodThis thesis mainly adopts the methods of literature survey and theoretical research and provids some views of philosophy of science and philosophy of logic.Refers to the?Essence of Chinese Medicine Literature in the Past Dynasties?,with the help of the Chinese Medical Code,the first chapter is expected to reveal the research perspective of Chinese doctors when exploring the rule of classical prescriptions.Special attention is payed to the the prefaces of the works in order to reveal the thinking mode of Chinese doctors.The second chapter aims to introduce the medical theory and works by relevant literature of T?d?.The third chapter aims to explain the reasoning method of T?d? in determining the syndromes correspondended to certain drug and elucidate the syndrome differentiation system of T?d? in the perspective of inductive logic.The forth chapter explores the foundation of syndromes correspondended to prescriptions begining with the relationship between prescriptions and drugs.The fifth chapter aims to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of T?d?'s syndrome differentiation system and the inheritance and development of later doctors.ResultChapter 1: In the herbal literature works of ancient China,there are indeed a lot of prototypes of syndromes correspondended to drugs.However,Chinese doctors pay attention to the internal mechanism of the drugs rather than the external syndromes.Chapter 2: Positivism is T?d?'s medical concept.The theory of healing doctors,the theory of correspondence of syndromes and prescription/drug as well as the theory of toxin are the three academic ideas of T?d?.Because of his poor theoretical thinking ability,T?d? confuses the concept of etiology and pathogenesis,which is an important reason for its abandonment of syndrome differentiation.Chapter 3: T?d? spontaneously applied to the Muller's Five Method of Exploring Causality and the Conditional Inductive Logic of Exploring Conditional Attributes.The syndrome correspondended to drugs T?d? expected is both a sufficient condition and a necessary condition for the application of a certain drug.Chapter 4: The establishment of T?d?'s syndromes correspondended to prescription system relies to a large extent on the construction of syndromes correspondended to drugs.In order to protect the systemic characteristics of syndromes correspondended to prescription,T?d? adopted the “main drug principle” and the “increased loss and separation principle”.The construction of syndromes correspondended to prescription can make up for the deficiency of the prescription,and facilitate the identification of simila syndromes and prescriptions.Mainwhile,the identification of syndromes correspondended to drug can greatly enhance the identification of prescriptions.However,there are certain limitations.Chapter 5: T?d?'s syndrome correspondended to prescription/drug belongs to the law of experience,and his syndrome differentiation mode is mainly empirical thinking.It has the advantages and disadvantages of empirical thinking and experience.Its advantages are inherited by future generations of medical doctors,making the his syndrome differentiation system more perfect;the shortcomings are compensated by by later medical doctors by the introduction of theoretical thinking.ConclusionThe reasonability of T?d?'s syndrome differentiation system lies in the fact that he took a logical approach to finding the inevitable relationship between syndromes and prescription/drug.In this process he tried best to protect the systemic characteristics of syndromes correspondended to prescription and took practice as the sole criterion for tesing truth.T?d?'s syndrome correspondended to prescription/drug belongs to the law of experience.It only tells “what is” and cannot solve “why” which Chinese doctors most concerned with.They tired to explain the internal mechanism by Chinese medical theory.These two show different levels of trust in experience and theory.The empirical nature of T?d?'s syndrome differentiation system gives it the empirical spirit similar to that of modern science,and thus it is easier to integrate with modern medicine.However,in essence,the main syndrome correspondended to prescription and the pathogenesis of traditional Chinese syndrome differentiation are internal and external corresponding relationship.The syndrome differentiation systems of T?d? and Chinese doctors both belong to Cause therapy on a holistic level.The complementary relationship between these two syndrome differentiation styles is mainly manifested in the following three aspects: ? T?d?'s differentiation systems can largly inspire,simplify and standardize the traditional Chinese syndrome differentiation;? Traditional Chinese syndrome differentiation can provide the basic direction for the T?d?'s;?The grasp of the pathogenesis in Traditional Chinese way can find new corresponding relationship between syndromes and prescription /drug.
Keywords/Search Tags:T?d? Yoshimasu, Syndrome correspondended to drug, Syndrome correspondended to prescription, Syndrome differentiation and treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Experience, Positive, Inductive Logic
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