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Headache Rather The Treatment Of Cold Stasis Migraine Clinical Studies

Posted on:2012-02-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y L ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2204330335458846Subject:Chinese medical science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
BackgroundMigraine is a common clinical idiopathic headache, according to statistics, about 240 million patients with migraine. A survey of the 1988 International Headache Society (IHS) diagnostic criteria for statistical results showed that men affected by migraines about 6%, women account for 17.6%, mostly the ability to work during the 25-55 years age most [1], the disease every year due to medical costs and other economic losses of up to 13 billion U. S. dollars [2]. The disease incidence is higher in China, according to statistics, China's prevalence rate is about 985.2/10 mill ion, the incidence rate is about 79.7/10 million. In recent years, migraine, although the treatment of acute attacks made great progress, but in disease prevention, have yet to find a satisfactory drug. Therefore, migraine pathogenesis and drug prevention and treatment of further clinical research are of great significance.Migraine medicine belongs to the "head wind", "headache", "brain style", "the first wind" aspects of the disease is a cyclical recurrent headaches, hard to be cured, only symptomatic treatment of pain treatment of Western medicine the main characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine with diagnosis and treatment, with the pathogenesis of migraine continues to understanding Chinese medicine treatment of migraine made a good clinical efficacy. Recurrent disease in patients with migraine, the incidence was relatively constant each time, in line with Foxier disease characteristics. Often due to a sense of exogenous pathogens (wind) and the invocation, or feeling depressed because of the troubles of the hair, there Foxier (V phlegm, blood stasis), phlegm and blood stasis cross resistance, pain or chronic illness for a long time into the network, from phlegm and blood stasis trend; phlegm basis underlying disease within, evils, or the onset of the wind cited as a result of the phase. Recipe headache is the mentor Professor Chen Zhigang intervention in Chinese medicine for many years based on the experience of migraine, migraine evils for the invocation Foxier pathogenic theory developed by Chuan Xiong 30g, Angelica lOg, Asarum 3g, mint 20g, Caul is 15g, Gastrodia 12g, turmeric lOg,12g fried si lkworm composition, with a carminative pain, promoting blood circulation and network effect. Gout mainly for migraine cold stasis type, drive evils, governance Foxier, in clinical applications for many years, suggesting that migraine has some clinical efficacy. On this basis, for the Treatment of migraine headaches rather cold stasis types of gout a prospective clinical study. Study1. Pathogenesis of migraine characteristics.2. Foxier of migraine pathogenesis theory.3. On the treatment of migraine headaches rather cold stasis types of gout a preliminary clinical observation.Research MethodsIn the prospective clinical program, development of case report forms observed, the use of self-control methods before and after the reference to "International Classification of Headache Disorders," the second edition of 2004, selected patients with migraine, with reference to "guidelines for new drug clinical medicine" in migraine evaluation criteria, research on migraine headaches rather the validity of gout cold stasis type, and were followed up. Gout was cold stasis type of migraine 30 patients given a daily headache Decoction,30-day course of treatment. Use EXCELL establishment of database application SPSS15.0 software for data analysis. Results1. In this study,30 cases were observed, including 6 males and 24 female patients, male to female ratio was 1:6. The youngest 22 years old, maximum 62 years old, mean age 39.60±11.26 years.2 cases of low body mass index, accounting for 6.7%,18 patients with normal body mass index, accounting for 60%,10 cases of high body mass index,33.3%. Unmarried 5 cases,16.7%, married 24 cases, accounting for 80.0%,1 case of divorce, accounting for 3.3%.Minimum 1 year duration, the longest 20 years, mean disease duration 7.00±5.193 years, 13 cases of mild headache, accounting for 43.3%, moderate headache in 14 cases, 46.7%,3 cases of severe headache, accounted for 10.0%.2. Efficacy of headache score Headache score will be compared before and after treatment, the number of headache on day 0 mean score 3.73±1.46,30 days for the average 2.33±1.06, P=0.001<0.05, significant difference with the 30-day headache frequency score less than 0 days.0 days mean headache score the number of degree days for the average 4.67±1.09,30 2.80±1.35, P=0.001<0.05, significant difference with the 30-day headache severity score less than 0 days.0 days mean headache duration of 3.13±1.25,30-day score mean 2.13±0.90, P=0.001<0.05, significant difference with the 30-day duration of headache score less than 0 days.0 days with the mean symptom score 1.63±1.13,30-day mean 1.63±1.12, P=0.210>0.05, no significant difference between the 30-day headache with symptom scores and no significant change on day 0.0 days headache integral average 13.17±3.20,30 days for the average 8.53±3.23, P=0.001<0.05, statistically different than 0 points 30 days of headache days.30 patients were clinically cured,2 cases, accounting for 6.67%; markedly in 2 cases, accounting for 6.67%; effective in 22 cases, accounting for 73.33%; 4 cases, accounting for 13.33%.The total effective rate was 86.67%. Recipe of migraine headache suggest gout clinically effective in cold blood stasis type.3. Check against effects of climate Syndrome score will be compared before and after treatment, symptom scores on day 0 mean 13.63±4.37,30-day mean 8.50±2.58, P=0.001<0.05, significant difference with the 30-day syndrome score less than 0 days. Including headache, heavy head, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, fear the wind, chills, poor sleep, tongue, pulse symptom score after treatment, P<0.05, with a statistically significant difference, the 30-day headache symptom score less than Odays; fear the sound, sensitivity to light, dark purple lips, dark complexion dark symptom score after treatment, P>0.05, no significant difference between the 30-day headache and the symptoms score and no significant difference on day 0. Conclusions1. Gender differences in migraine attacks, more women than men hair, good hair in the strongest period of working adults, the general course of a long, intractable skin ulcers, symptoms and seriously affecting people's health.2. Decoction can improve migraine headache, gout, headache and cold stasis syndrome type with a clinically effective.3. Foxier illness from the machine understanding of migraine disease has a theoretical innovation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Migraine, cold stasis type, Foxier, headache Recipe
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