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Study Of Upgrading International Labour Specialization(ils) Status Of China

Posted on:2011-08-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H ZhaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2199360308482938Subject:World economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Currently,the study of International Labour Specialization(ILS.) of China has evolved into the argumentations whether the China has become the "World Factory". But actually, the truth is that China is the bigger "Manufacturing Site "of the world, and it still lies in the bottom of ILS..In the early days, the Labour Specialization among the countries decides the development of international trades. But nowadays, with the high developments of science & technology and informationization, the prospective development pattens and direction of international trade largely go to guide the direction of the ILS. conversely. Especially, one of the new international trade theory, Theory of Competetive Advantages written by Micheal Potter affects the ILS. a lot. It is divided into four phases:natural endowment drive phase, investment drive phase, innovation drive and fortune drive phase. From the present situation of international trade development, we are actually coming to the third phase. That is, except the productivity decision, the other three decisions will affect little the ILS in future. (The four decisions of ILS. development are productivity, nature endowment, population,labouring scale & market, and capital flow.) Only the productivity will likely guide the ILS. to a more specific and technological direction, that is horizontal ILS. development way.So how can China upgrade its ILS. status?First, China can upgrade its ILS. with the support of the Regional Economic Integration. That China upgrades its ILS. and climbs value chain to a high level by itself is much not enough. If China could do this, the period will possibly much long. Building REI. can protect national economy, and leads it into a sound progress track; promote the size effect and competition effect of market; strengthen the technology innovation and reciprocal shares; and impel the development of the scale economy. All of these are quite useful for the ILS. upgrading, especially the last one. From the degree of economic cooperation and port trade amounts, we can see that the relation in economic field between China and East Asia area included ASEAN. is much closer than the others, so China shall firstly choose this area to build the REI. it must consider the self-positioning of China, the strengthening of economic relation with Japan, building the C-K FTA., and keeping closer-with ASEAN..Second, changing "made in China" into "Made in oversea"-fostering its own Transnational Corporations. Nowadays, the TNCS. is all of the pot trade, so controlling the TNCS.. will have the initiative to upgrade the ILS. of China without question. The ILS.'s carrier is namely the TNCS., so fostering own TNCS. shall been done step by step. The first step is strengthening the TNCS.. localization, the second is purchasing the TNCS., and the last is fostering the own TNCS..Third, upgrading the ILS. by RMB. internationalization and strengthening the competition of commercial bank of China. The whole financial system included currency and bank is quite important to the ILS. upgrading, which belongs to the the real economy. So this is a good choose for upgrading the ILS. of China. Nowadays, the RMB. internationalization is still territorial, so we shall firstly manage it well in this phase, and then look forward a higher level. The ways of upgrading the competition of commercial bank are optimizing the property right, strengthening risk based supervision, impelling the banking overseas purchase and operations.
Keywords/Search Tags:International Labour Specialization, Internatioanal Trades, Regional Economic Integration, Transnational Corporations, Currency, Commercial Bank
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