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Price Changes Before And After The Founding Of New China, Beijing

Posted on:2011-11-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R S GuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2199360305969059Subject:Chinese Communist Party
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Price is one of the most important economic areas in market economy, and its operation is the barometer of economic and social development and change, not only relating to how the economy develops,but also closely linking the social stability and people's living standards. Generally speaking, price changes are the most obvious manifestation of changes which reflect the perception of primary material consumption life changes. Also it comes to a standard to judge a party's ability of governing. Beijing, as the capital of China, the changes of people's life can be a microcosm of life changes. Research on price changes before and after the founding of New China, not only reflects the difference of the similarities and differences of the two parties that governed the country, but also summarizes the experiences and lessons from measures that two parties adopted. From that, it can give some reference for balancing price for socialist market economic system and improving people's living for new historical backgrounds.The first part is about the dramatic changes in prices in Beijing during KMT's rule. Through charts, data, etc. it visually describes the price rise in Beijing, also analyses the reason from the political, military and economic point of views during Kuomintang's rule in Beijing.The second part is about the changes and trends in prices in Beijing after CPC came to Beijing. After Beijing's peaceful liberation, new changes has taken place in Beijing, but the price did not immediately stabilized because of some implicit reason. This part detail describes the price changes in Beijing after the founding of new China and analyzes the reason that affects the price change.The third part is about the comparison for measures that taken by the two parties to restrain price fluctuations. Some of these approaches are same but come to dramatic function with some reasons.For the conclusion part, the relations between price and people's living are focused. Especially the changes after the founding of new China reveal the impact of political power changes on normal people.
Keywords/Search Tags:Beijing, Price, CPC, Kumingtang
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