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Environmental Cost Game Model

Posted on:2011-11-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X D ZhaoFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper domestic enterprises, with the state laws, regulations and policy, using game model of research methods, on our domestic business environment, cost management and control of the process of analyzing the game player, and based on the proposed their business environment to strengthen cost management insights.With the worsening environment, many Western countries since the 70s the cost of the enterprise environment, and the introduction to the practice of environmental accounting. For the environmental costs of China began in the 90's, but mainly focused on the concept of corporate environmental cost, classification and recognition, measurement, recording, reporting and other aspects of the business environment for the process of cost management side of each game study is still in the blank, it also provides a space for this research.This paper describes the basic concept of corporate environmental cost classification; and then analyzes the nature of corporate environmental costs of property and environmental policies should be adopted and emphasized by means of internalizing external costs, reduce or even eliminate the production and operations activities to the natural environment the pollution and destruction; final game model approach by building a detailed analysis of environmental costs in the business management process of each game the relationship between the parties and submitted for analysis to enhance corporate environmental cost management.
Keywords/Search Tags:Environmental costs, Game Model, Nash equilibrium
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