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Government Responsibility In The Housing Supply Diversification

Posted on:2009-08-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S H ZhengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2199360272456151Subject:Public Management
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Housing is an important livelihood issue."Everyone has a right to housing",this is a significant content of the United Nations Millennium Development Goal which is also the basic public service duties.Experience from all the developed countries in the world shows that the housing problems of low-income families relying on the market mechanism can not be completely resolved.It needs the provision of public services. To meet the housing a wide range of housing supply system and diversified channels are established,including two meanings—one is the relative balance of supply and demand in the housing market,while the other is creating the basic living conditions of the housing security system for low-income family.This paper involves the housing problem for urban housing is to provide housing commercialization of the main players in the market.The second point is to provide security in low-income housing that is mainly economically suitable housing and low-rent housing.As a special commodity,its production,and sale(distribution) show their features.Since the late 1980s,urban housing system reform has begun.After nearly 20 years,housing reform has gradually entered the commercialization and socialization of the times.The housing market generally appeared abnormal high urban prices,and short supply of economy housing deviate from the target groups.A serious shortage of low-rent housing supply issues,cause more and more the low-income housing shortage of capacity to pay,but no improvement in living conditions for a long time.The article is divided into five sections.First of all,it analyses the developed countries and regions of the world in housing construction,especially housing support of the practice and experience,and then studies the domestic reforms of the housing system and the recent practice about this 20 years.Along with the file of" a number of views on resolving the difficulties of low-income family housing," specific solutions and strategies were given.Finally on further study it summarized the universal significance of the general conclusion that the domestic urban housing for the theory and practice should try to make more contributions.Firstly the paper made a research of housing construction and social security system of developed countries,such as the United States,Britain,Singapore and China's Hong Kong.Then analyse the housing system reform practice,the evolution of policy,and the major accomplishments of the past 20 years.According to the survey,the current domestic housing construction exits two problems.One belongs to the real estate market with the development of irregularities,—false advertising, quality disputes,hoarding of land,driving up housing prices and so on.and as the main market supervision by the government,its responsibility is rather difficult; Secondly,the supply of housing as the main guarantee of the government,the protection of the housing system in the main body of prominent status are not enough for the protection of the overall coverage of the small,housing security into the overall social security system,and protection of sources general shortage.Based on the domestic and international housing building integrated,systematic research,and gradually clear the government's housing supply in the diversity of public responsibility that the government is not only guaranteed the supply of the main shelter,at the same time,to provide for ordinary commercial housing market control and monitoring responsibility.To the housing construction,the government has the responsibility to do the following areas:development of the long-term development of the real estate planning,the establishment of stable development of the real estate industry continued a long-term mechanism;effective use of economic,legal and administrative means to standardize integrated the market order;housing provident fund to strengthen the effectiveness of protection role;highlight and strengthen the government in the protection of housing supply in the dominant position,intensify protection of the supply of land for housing efforts,expand the coverage of the protection of housing,the establishment of a stable financial support channels;strictly security control of the area of their housing,establish a strict review system of housing support objects and maintaining the housing distribution of social equity.Although the government's public responsibility on the housing problem is the same,different countries and different regions face different questions.Therefore,in order to promote using construction,a country or region should not mechanically copy other countries or regions of experience,but establish the state's macroeconomic and micro-local policies.It should make a comprehensive analysis,basing on actual and studying in-depth,and synthesis compared flexible reference conditions so that actually perform the important duties for public service.
Keywords/Search Tags:The main of housing supply, Diversification, The government responsibility
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