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Jiangsu Province Information Industry, The Development Of Ideas And Strategies

Posted on:2009-12-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L JiaoFull Text:PDF
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Today more and more new products and new technology are springing up. The IT industry, based on computer, network and communication technology, has been the most developing and prospective industry and the key industry in every country worldwide. At the beginning of the paper, the author pointed that Jiangsu Province lies in the center area of Changjiang delta and has good basis of electronic industry. It has had huge progress in developing IT industry these years while at the same times there are still many problems, such as the corresponding industry policy and legal system are still not perfect, the structural contradiction in the IT industry, the absence of qualified person in IT, especially the imbalance in developing of the IT industry, the small scale, the poor international competition, which are grievous affecting the further development of IT industry in Jiangsu.To resolve above problems, the paper analyzed the developing trace, regular pattern and trend of IT industry and the revelation to us firstly and determined our general developing goal considering our IT industry location in the world. Secondly, it compared the IT developing model of some of the large western countries to gain experiences and revelations from those. Thirdly, it analyzed the history and present situation of the IT industry of our country, then definite the advantages of our province and use the experience of other provinces for reference. At last it definite the developing clue and make the relevant countermeasures according to our province current status, characteristic and problems.Then it made the conclusion as follows: we should exploit our advantages in labor, land and capital to the full, take good use of our current favorable conditions in economy, industry, technology and person of ability. Considering our current situation, characteristics, problems and the experiences from abroad it determined our IT industry developing model.We should transfer our model from large IT province to strong province from industry angles. We also could choose civil capital accompany with foreign investor to develop our IT industry from the capital angel. At the same times, we should make corresponding guaranteeing measurements of surrounding, research and development in technology, reform of property right and qualified person.
Keywords/Search Tags:Jiangsu Province, Information Industry, Development, Clue, Strategy
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