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Development Paths Of Rural Urbanization In China

Posted on:2008-08-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H J HaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2199360212991603Subject:Political economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Rural urbanization is the important component of the urbanization system of our country. Advancing the development of rural urbanization is the realistic choice under the national conditions of our country, the important route to promote integration of urban and rural areas, and the basic guarantee to solve the problem about agriculture farmers and the countryside. So it has important realistic meanings. For many years, what the rural urbanization of our country took is just a road to develop small towns. But with the development of economic growth and system reform, the disadvantages are exposed day by day, and we must face with the problem now. On circle of theory, a lot of experts and scholars also query the road of small towns. They think the development of rural urbanization of our country should choose the more effective route. This thesis analyses and researches the problem on this basis.The thesis consists of three parts. The first part introduces the general theory of rural urbanization. First it defines the concepts of the urbanization and rural urbanization. Then it explains the main factor of influencing rural urbanization, and finally introduces the major indicator to describe rural urbanization. The second part reviews the history and theory of rural urbanization. First it reviews the proposition of the theory of small towns. Then summarizes the achievement of rural urbanization under the guide of this theory, and finally analyzes the problems existing in the development of small town of our country. The third part gives the point that the town urbanization is the key to develop rural urbanization of our country on the basis of the above-mentioned analysis. First it introduces the reasons why country city is the key to develop rural urbanization. Then explains the important meanings of developing country city, and talks about the main difficulties faced with. Finally it gives some advice from four respects point to accelerate the development of country city.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rural urbanization, Country city, Small town, Countermeasure
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