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Research On The Marketing Strategy Of Dcec

Posted on:2011-09-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D J HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2199330338486292Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of Chinese auto industry, as"heart"of the auto, engine has always been the core of the automotive industry's strategic resources. Along with the increasingly stringent emission regulations, engine industry has increasingly demanding on engine technology. In the more and more competitive market, how to choose market strategy based on its own development, maintain the leading position in the industry, while also continue to expand market share, has become a critical problem DCEC currently facing.Marketing strategy management theories and tools are applied in this paper. Firstly analyzed the external environment of DCEC, analyzing the macro environment , industry environment and competitive environment the company is facing; secondly analyzed the company's internal environment from company target, customers, product, price, channel, promotion and service, etc; further used SWOT analysis to summarize challenges and opportunities the company encountered from the outside, internal strengths and weakness of the company, and matched the marketing strategy for the company. Based on the above analysis, considering the situation the company is facing, presented the company's strategic objectives, principles and initiatives.Through research, the author think the company should take the great opportunity of the rapid development of automotive industry for its future development, change the disadvantages in product, price, channel, etc., implement ST strategies to achieve the company's strategic objectives. In product strategy, the implementation of product differentiation, development of more competitive products; in price strategy, considering to adopt more competitive prices, while taking advantages of special products with special price to seize market share; in the channel strategy, the implementation of direct sales, supplemented by distribution, develop strategic dealers; in the promotion strategy, strengthening the communication with end customers, distributing more resources to end markets, supplying good service to end markets.
Keywords/Search Tags:Strategic resource, Development strategy, Medium term development plan
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