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A Study On Student-oriented Teaching Of Basic Music

Posted on:2010-05-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L YangFull Text:PDF
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With the quality of educational research in depth, there is a growing consciousness intended to come into the classroom teaching is to train students all-round development capacity and sustainable development capacity of the main front. The teaching of basic subjects in terms of music, how to effectively improve the efficiency and quality of classroom teaching, so that the vitality of the classroom glow of life is a serious problem. In this paper, the student-based teaching as an entry point to explore the music of the reform of the basic classroom teaching methods and strategies, have certain theoretical and practical.This article first put forward the basic concepts of contemporary classroom teaching and contemporary classroom teaching purposes and tasks, students are clearly the main body of the contemporary classroom teaching. Thus this paper, Fujian Province, four institutions of higher education music students, teachers teach basic music at the object of study, the main use of a questionnaire survey and interviews, music education law commonly used research methods, basic music at these schools to the students are mostly Teaching in initiating the relevant surveys and interviews, analysis of their current situation and existing problems. According to the survey results, the author use a student-based teaching ideas, music Science combines fundamental characteristics of the basic music at the student-based teaching and learning activities of scientific analysis and research, for basic music curriculum structure, organization and design of teaching contents, teaching methods, teaching methods of innovation, equality and harmony The establishment of teacher-student relationship and to promote the development of educational assessment of students in the building of the main areas such as in-depth thinking and detailed analysis, building basic music at the student-based teaching operation strategy.In my opinion, the basic music at the student-based teaching is truly concerned about student's development, and the overall quality of students is reflected in classroom teaching as a teaching method. Of course, how the system and effective to carry out the basic music at the student-oriented teaching, and maximize its function and role, but also need to be further study and discussion. Expected by the proposition that a preliminary theoretical construct and practice to explore, as the basic music at the professional teachers serve as a more reasonable choice, and rich in meaningful teaching mode, music Theory and Solfeggio order to achieve effective integration of teaching content and promote the basic music at the university teaching reform and development play a positive role.
Keywords/Search Tags:Basic Music, Student-oriented Teaching, Teaching Strategies
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