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Modern Home Fashion Design Studies

Posted on:2005-02-27Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y MoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2191360122988079Subject:Costume design and engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The concept of house wear is comparatively new in our country. With the economic development and the improvement of living quality, house wear tend to fully develop. Clothes are designed to serve the people. Therefore, they must match the actual living conditions and lifestyle. So do house wear. This paper presents the realistic grounds for the designing of household clothes by researching the present living conditions, lifestyle and thinking style and drawing theoretical support from psychology, sociology and behavioral science. It adopts the research methodology of particularity after generality. It first deals with the research on general cultural background and the living conditions to formulate the general principle of designing clothes. Basing on this, it studies the particularities of house wear in terms of the environment and the clothing requirements, etc. to find the theory and principle of designing house wear, which are: 1. The clothes designed must be comfort, reasonable and practical and be strong in the physiological protection function. 2. Humane design focusing on human beings is the aim and norm. 3. Household clothes must be of high quality and rich variety to meet the requirements of different activities at home. 4. The design should be individualized and diversified to cater for individual interest, desire and personality. 5. The design should aim at bring spiritual enjoyment to people beyond comfort and practicability to make life more enjoyable. 6. The design should take fashion into consideration. 7. The design should be based on psychological analysis.
Keywords/Search Tags:house wear, society, culture, psychology, lifestyle
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